Man, I just love wheelbarrows.
Man, I just love wheelbarrows
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That's a very nice wheelbarrow you've got there user.
Thank you kindly. It really is something else.
hell yeah
Wew, that's a naughty wheelbarrow you have there, user.
should've payed the premium and got a high end model these cheapo wheelbarrows always tip up on you like that you really need the keel and gyroscopic stabilisers if you're doing any serious hauling
I had a plastic wheelbarrow, kinda like this one that was surprisingly durable and actually lasted longer than the metal one. Tyres that don't deflate were a big plus.
Are we doing this again?
Wheelbarrow thread? Wheelbarrow thread!
that's a nice rig very interesting handle design i'd be worried about the wheels on the back legs though what happens if you set it down on a slope does it just roll away on you?
Gotta pay the premium if you want good quality wheelbarrows.
Sure it may be durable. But there is nothing better than feeling those wood handles and the smooth clear coat finish on a nice metal one.
Yes, give me more, user.