Why are all Foreigners so Pathetically Useless?

Is it just because they aren't English?

Attached: Worzel Gummidge .jpg (500x707, 163K)

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It's because you're not full




Bumping just cos it's worzel gummidge

Average anglo

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No, because you're ignorant and and you live in your moms basement.

Attached: if you ever know.jpg (500x416, 57K)

Just pay your 400 billion fuck off fee and fuck off.

It's because the type of people that emigrate to England don't give two shits about the country and only care about money.


1 gorrilian that don't care about your country

Pay your 400. debt and fuck off.

Is that how it's being advertised? As UK debt to the EU?

We're probably already spending it on the NHS and pensions.

The UK tax payers (Slaves) spends over 9000 gorrilian's on NHS and pensions, and whatever else the Government sees fit, i.i., War

We spent it on fixing up those trident subs. Don't really feel like paying for anything else just now, thanks.

tfw this board is all Aunt Sally

This is Aunt Bant you fucktard

In fact, if you say one more word, I'll fucking destroy you in ffront of all your little cunty witnesses in this thread!!!

(Only joking, I'm not that much of a cunt)

Or Am I, you piece of shit?

Dont (You) me.


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hahaha Merry meet Fren. Get a NameFag so we can recognise you

If you have all that you can easily pay the 400. fine to fuck off.

Just forget to add that this "patriot" who made this
shitty thread are just larping to be a patriot,
there are so many wankers who shout that they love their country but do nothing to protect it,
>MuH ThIs Is My CoUnTy I wAs BoRn In IT.
so you were born in it but you don't do a jack shit about it you don't bother to serve and protect the public you don't even bother to clean your own fucking garden
every time I see bastards like saying diversity destroying my country!
and they don't even know what it means
when i just forget to add that this "patriot" who made this
shitty thread are just larping to be a patriot,
there are so many wankers who shout that they love their country but do nothing to protect it,
every time i see bastards like saying diversity destroying my country!
and they don't even know what it means
when I see those subhuman I want to crab a fucking shotgun and fucking kill you all
everyone can do something like work in the shop help your locals serve the public and even clean the whole street while waiting government to do it.

Jow Forums is just niggers who pretend to be white without realizing that they have multicultural blood doing idiotic shit that have an effect on their lives and blaming the whole fucking world for their misery.

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