Boer machine broke

I'm white give me refugee status

Attached: boer machine.jpg (1278x712, 88K)

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why be refugee when you can be a warrior

Attached: 1548185014179.jpg (640x902, 126K)

Because they're all big and black and scary

Attached: black.boomer.png (628x562, 192K)

if my dogs dont get them i wil

How bad are things in SA?

Attached: zulu help.png (847x585, 646K)

time to gun up and fortify

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I mean, I'm in a white area so really chilled lmao

gated comunnity cuck ?

wish i could bro

Nah I ain't that rich lmao
Hillcrest suburbs, next to no n1ggaroonies

My wife Yolandi is so cute.

awe same situation , 50 niggers next door , they try to rob me lots of times but dogs get them

im in country side tho so police mean fuckall

i have childhood friend who looks just like her

Eish I'm just gonna say fuck it and move into the middle of the fucking Karoo
No people=No nigtards

you kwazulu boys weak , we cape bois are waiting for a fight , the gangsters are on our side

You mean the coloureds? kek
I'm not even gonna deny tho, kzn is fucking filled with beta onions boy beach bum wanna-be chads

look at pic related
also coloureds hate the blacks just as much as us here

Attached: shit bricks you kaffer kak.jpg (201x102, 6K)

the blacks truly have no idea what can of worms they just opened with this land grab kak

Is that the race %'s of Kaapstad?

no its country side , im not gona doxx myself nigga

roll up in this with my uzi shoot nig nogs left and right

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Lmao yea man fair enough, I'll try find the %'s of kzn


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hahahaha get rekt s.o.y bois

Mkay so apparently I'm in some sort of white bubble

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yeah thats why s.o.y kwazulu bois say everything fine , while the rest of us fight of the zergs at our doorsteps

If we just killed them all there wouldn't be a fucking problem

just make western cape an independent state is what i say kick out all the niggers they dont belong here

White farmers should band together in small villages and give no food away.
Niggers can't kill you if they're starving.

Not a bad idea.
Heard something similar on a channel called Kaaplander on YouTube

Lets all nuke Africa and just get rid of all the negros and AIDs

You say this as if they wouldn't attack the farms even more than what they already do

based kaaplander

they steal our sheep and food anyway

Fortify my guy
Build concrete walls and man them with guns.
I know its not exactly realistic but fighting back in some sense, especially if you hold all the cards (food supply and the fact that the rest of the country depends on whites) is your only option.

my house have 2meter tall brick walls , racist dogs and i have supply of pangas and axes , its gona be a bloodbath

Attached: loep kak kafffer.jpg (880x660, 27K)

Thanks God I moved to Brasil instead of South Africa

Hard to imagine Brazil would be much better

it depends on which monkey you prefer i guess

absolutely based
Build communities like that my guy
Expand and claim your very own ethnostate in SA


This is what happens when you let the niggers free

okay, I'll let you in just this once, but don't tell anyone we're supposed to be full.