>Well I am abstinent so I am going to assume that this rule doesn't affect everyone since I would have had 0 partners till marriage xD
this comment is from a girl on a damn TYT video. were we lied to? the old prisoners dillema to make war between men and women even if there should be no war?
>>you can still have a family with a nonvirgin woman but never marry and never mingle finances
and how is that suppose to work out? I couldnt not love a women I suposse to marry and honestly, if she only masturbated, I wouldnt disrespect her that much for it
Hudson Rogers
>Marry a mastrubator wtf - might as well marry a woman who's fucked 8,000 men
Bentley Miller
White women ruined the country. They cried foul that black men had the vote for they did and now look at this country
Brandon Morgan
the real redpill is she thought of around 8,000 different men while masturbating
Dominic Gutierrez
Isaac Peterson
>are white women really that bad? No, they're just like any other women.
>wtf - might as well marry a woman who's fucked 8,000 men >the real redpill is she thought of around 8,000 different men while masturbating
I she hasnt slept with any its way less of an issue cant we agree on it? Same stuff if she slept with "just" 3 or if she slept with 30, there are levels