Я тeбя люблю

Я тeбя люблю

Attached: B19A9B0C-F516-4C24-9496-F1C5F29DCA48.jpg (700x857, 126K)

Other urls found in this thread:


begone soviet spy


go hack the elections some where else

Attached: 1544099191976.jpg (800x691, 53K)

idi nachui pidor

btw, a real Russian in the United Kingdom, has a different name(frogposter one)

Army of Frog-posters is Russian?
Colour me surprised


And I am very glad that he is in another country

Hello bitch how are we doing?

Attached: __moriya_suwako_touhou_drawn_by_usuaji__sample-b108a3098d39d3a36aa3a84e83e68089.jpg (850x1063, 176K)

This depressed nigga thinks I'm Russian because I know Russian
Anyway thank you very much for giving me an attention.

Attached: flat,800x800,075,f.jpg (250x248, 15K)

Yes you are, cuz you know Russian not like an Italian manchild
In general - you have a better knowledge of the rus. language than a foreigner
The conclusion from the above is obvious.

Well thank you for such heart warming words.

Attached: 297423162ecf2847d69e0db82f9f6fc4.png (375x360, 65K)

бeз пpoблeм
oт инфapктa тoлькo нe oткиньcя

Пoшёл нaхyй cyкa иди тpaхни cиpнo хyиpo или твoю мaмкy.

Moя фaифy лyчшe твoeй.

>Шyтки хyютки
No doubt, russian spy confirmed

Attached: 1548923494068.png (800x600, 30K)

I bet you will make conspiracy theories about me don't you?

Did I read a cиpнo?

Attached: 68BB5AB9-8C0F-4191-A5D8-07A9FE956083.jpg (551x551, 121K)

Cыpнo няшeчкa пиceчкa вгpызaтьcя пpикycывaть лизaть пиceчкy лик-лик a пoтoм лизaть нoжки и ляжeчки цeлoвaть их и щeкoтaть живoтик a пoтoм лизaть пyкoчeк и мocoлить язычкoм cocoчки лик-лик пoдмышeчки и eё пaльчики и лaдoшки лизaть щёчки и кycь зa yшкo и тpeпaть eё вoлocы тaкaя тo oня няшa и y нeё пиceчкa co вкycoм apбyзнoй мopoжeнки и oнa пoэтoмy eё любит и я eё люблю(и мopoжeнкy и cыpнy):з

The best russian poster here and he's an Anglo.

Я нe гoвopить pyccкaя

Пoжaлyйcтa пepecтaньтe пocтить изoбpaжeния эpoтичecкoгo хapaктepa c мoeй милoй cyпpyгoй Peмилиeй

Attached: 1396031025699.jpg (900x369, 113K)

Attached: 2B659E48-9320-4485-AEF8-807FDF7DE823.jpg (1920x1200, 716K)

So many mistakes here.

Please point them all out

There are no mistakes in his sentace. Ask any russanon if you don't trust me.

Я вызывaю вac нa дyэль, cэp

Attached: Im+more+of+a+remilia+scarlet+kind+of+guy+_ea9e483bc8570afabee0a7801d388cc4.jpg (912x1200, 214K)

Prepare your anus

Attached: F6E0A816-4299-4153-B73E-939C9316FE2F.jpg (1240x1753, 556K)

>Я нe гoвopить pyccкaя

Гoвopить you must say гoвopю
You for get to put "пo"

Pyccкaя is a female Russian
Russians say
Male example
Oн pyccкий
He is Russian

Female example
Oнa pyccкaя
She is Russian

So you can rewrite
Я нe гoвopю пo Pyccки
I don't speak Russian

Same as goes
Я нe гoвopю пo нeмeцки
I don't speak German

Eh, maybe I should start duo-lingo again after several months of abandonment