America Hate Thread

Visiting US for vacation and holy fuck what a mistake, mutts, fat asses, low IQ inbreds everywhere. Their “greatest” city NYC is a fucking smelly hipperster infested dump.

Make fun of the stupid obese American degenerates.

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H8rs gonna h8
Ainters gonna aint

this is your future fellow white man. Sing with me and dance as the world explodes.

Would you ever fuck a mutt?

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Go back to studying so you can one day beat out 10,000 other students for that receptionist job Kim.


This is your future not ours.

>Greatest city
pick one

When's the last time you checked those birth rates big guy?

That's funny. I went to USA as well and it was fine. When I came back I was shocked how Europe really is nonwhite. Turns out that freedom lovers are also genetically superior. I just had to delete my Amerimuttt pics.

>I'm just saying
>HOLY SHIT but I just wanna say
>SERIOUSLY, how do we
>Do you actually
>Does Jow Forums actually
>Let's face it

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Greatest American city, learn to read.
Oh wait, your people can barely speak English let alone learn basic math.

fuck yes, breed no

Show your flag, faggot
America is only several cities, but that’s now who we are. We are a beautiful countryside with a culture of guns, rodeos, fairs, and simplicity. That’s the real America.
I can’t imagine vacationing in a homeless infested, rotten nest. You missed your chance to see America. Don’t come back, commie.

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Still landed on the moon without math. That makes us Americans seem even more impressive. Thanks eurofag.

“Big Guy”
So prevalent for Americans they’ve adopted this saying into their language. No surprise as to why.

Most of us don't really count New York City or California as part of the U.S. anymore. They're more like degenerant tumors we can't kill off with chemo.

>inferior foreigners still can't accept American supremacy

>thinks asian flags are asian posters

it's a white english teacher like all the rest of them


EU MAggot . Drop dead

woah woah woah big guy. Listen I know to feel better about yourself laughing at the seemingly worse off collapse of fellow white nations feels good but should you be doing it?

Especially considering the majority of European nations are faces worse leftist aids then the US.

Nice eurofag cope
Go back to your orwellian nightmare

I’m currently in the US so I will have an American flag, saw enough of your country already, can’t wait for my flight home back to an actual civilized country without fat grease balls stomping around everywhere.

America was never white, you guys where always the racial mixing pot experiment.

you should feel at home in Jew York, kike... show your flag. Why is it EU if youre in Jew York, kike?

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Took us 200 years to become the one and only super power. K bye.

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Who brought the burgers

I’ll repeat myself, show your flag
Go vent to your sodomite lover about your poorly planned vacation, you sound like a woman. Complain complain.

You haven’t seen anything, otherwise you would’ve said it on your first post. Don’t let our cowboy boots hit you in the ass on the way out. Real Americans don’t do elitism here

Bitch, US was GIVEN the keys to the world when they swooped in as joe sidekick and claimed all the spoils of WW2 for themselves. Only industrialized nation left standing, of course your people will get rich afterwards. You couldn’t even manage the top spot for more then a few decafdes, you’re people are stupid and pathetic.

The founders agree. That's why they limited immigration to white of good character only. Because they loved black people.

Prove it then show us the us flag

I wish mods would just show flags of shitposters

The US was already dominant over the UK in the 1900s. Are you a brit fag?

Get fucked

Not true at all, US wasn’t world #1 until post WW2

That's public perception. In terms of resources, capital and every other metric the US had far surpassed the UK in every meaningful economic way.

Based gommie. I've been to Europe several times for work and minus Switzerland, it's almost all crowded, dirty and shitskinned. It's like taking the worst parts of the US and making it everywhere

I think Eurofags don't realize maybe multicultural mega centers are the place to experience america in.Maybe try a capital city in 98% whitesville.

Not at all, US did not get its current wealth status until post WW2 when they became sole providers to Europe. Your world power was never earned, it was given. Fell right into your laps and you guys cucked it up within 50 yrs

The OP is just some EU sodomite who is mad that he spent a few K on a vacation and spent it in the cesspool city. He’ll go back to his refugee invaded hellhole here soon.

>NYC is the whole US

They had larger industry, railroad, economic wealth, and so on. You are creating a myth to aggrandize European nations.

It's a nice narrative that you only fell from grace because you fought a horrible war against fellow Europeans. The reality was the US had already surpassed Europeans long before the world wars.

Please enlighten me on where exactly this fabled “true” American white wonderland is according to you? Alabama? West Virginia? Kentucky? You are pathetic if you think retreating from your historically important cities to live in some backwoods piss hole is something to be proud of and is “truely American” god lord

>Maybe try a capital city in 98% whitesville.

To see what? The reasons people go to New York is because it has a history.

You can only claim the US geopolitical clot was gained from the world wars. It completely changed the US and how it involved itself globally.

Read a book eurofag.

American education everyone.

This just in all other State Capitals have no history or attraction. More euronews at 11.

Imagine being so thoroughly bought into your sense of superiority over Americans you never once looked at when the US surpassed the UK economically and industrially.

Fuck off, don’t be upset because your country was low IQ as shit to begin with, your country will go down in history as the greatest leap to the top for any nation and the fastest fall from grace as well. 60 years roughly as the worlds leader woooow

In Europe, Germany was the biggest economy piror to WW1. I believe we also had the biggest army worldwide. But we had no real colonies or influence, so we weren't the most powerful, I'd say.

The US had the largest economy worldwide since 1890.

Memeflag to cover up shithole he came from, if even, could be a poor Serbian

>Too poor to afford NYC vacation

I was doubtful of our surpirotity to the Americans before my visit to the States, but after spending 2 weeks here it’s become clear as day your people are degenerate, lazy, stupid, and good for nothing. The fact America has fallen so fast shouldn’t shock anyone, just go outside and people watch for a bit.

Listen, lady. We never retreated we always lived here. The problem with our cities is the same problem your hellhole weak country has, people worshipping their government and it all falling apart. Except we aren’t cucked enough to have so many refugees. You’re just mad because you left a rats nest to see a slight better rats nest.

Outside of the eastcoast, what history?

>It's another meme flags post the shitty stock mutt images that were on the flashdrive they got thread

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Pick any country you want Amerifat, whichever nation you pick will have a longer list of accomplishments then your pathetic weak minded nation, and its people will sure as hell be smarter, more attractive, and harder working.

I'm not upset? I was trying to educate you and dispel some myths you had about the fall of European power.

The term superpower was mostly created to describe the unique situation the US found itself. It was later applied to other nations who experienced such dominance over fellow nations. The list is quite short so thank you for respecting the power and gravitas of the US leap to the top.

You wish poorfag

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This man just wanted to kill you, but you killed him back! Right on!

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Thank you for confirming my point. The US had already surpassed Europeans in most economic means and only took geopolitical control after the world wars.

See the difference you fail to realize here is that Western Europe is a powder keg waiting to blow, while America was always mutted from the start, the fact you people larp on here as if America is a great white nation is pathetic. Quit dreaming and go depression eat at Burger Kang

Fact. 'Murica> all of Europe.

How does it feel to be the bitch of stupid obese American degenerates?

>Too poor to afford NYC.
>Comes to America
>Thinks Euro still worth something
>NYC prices
>Bankrupted by tourist traps and pretzel stands
>Goes home penniless unable to afford beer on the airplane
>Fuck America!

I don't think you can say the US has fallen geopolitically. It's fallen from any white who has self respect. But it's not like Europe isn't doing the exact same thing.

The West has no history or story to tell. Its just a bunch of white people with farms. Thank you German you are quite the expert on US cities.


Bet only European city you’ve been to is London and Paris lol

>The US had already surpassed Europeans

Considering Europe consits of 30 different countries thats not saying much.

Also, it was all based on european immigraiotn. The US relies on european immigrants for most of its innovation etc.

Bitch that room could be 300 square feet on a groupon coupon with your whole broke ass family packed in

Apparently the only American city you went to NYC so I came to the same ignorant conclusion that all of Europe is a mudslime hell hole with progressive propaganda flexing everywhere.

>The West has no history or story to tell

The history of faggotry in San Francisco?

I wish we could return to the Anglosphere but no one else wants us because of our disgusting mutts.

Nobody ever been on the moon faggot....

I’m not saying that we wouldn’t help you out, but really?
>powder keg waiting to blow
You guys are WAY behind us, you’re no longer civilized. you’ve been invaded and have no militia to stand against it lol

Was in Miami, DC, and Boston.

Try again ameritard

Off the top of my head?

One story told to me about the Mississippi, one particular spot had a violent native tribe on one side, and dangerous waters on the other.

Our very own Charybdis and Scylla.

You were the first country to be Jewed by Jewish funded slave ships shipping in shitskins. So pretty ironic America should be laughing at EU countries for their immigration issues. Least EU has a chance to still fight back, America tried and lost lol

>greatest city NYC
It's so you leave. Before you GTFO, visit Pennsylvania. We have the greatest roads.

What is your home country?

Post flag, Frog

Stfu ameritard you guys have been mutted by the importer slaves and already lost your white independence more then a century ago. Europe has a history of geneocides, Americans? None, your people are soft and frail.

>Muh slave trade


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bravo banter

>not realizeing how big the us is

Know how i know your lieing?

Now you're just being dense to be a dick. Cities don't define all of culture. The best parts of France are the northern villages, while Paris itself is gross. If you want to experience the US: go to colonial New England, midwestern cities (Madison, WI), Yellowstone and Yosemite National Parks, and then compare them to NY/LA/Chicago. Our big cities are the closest thing to average Europe because they're old and crowded

Considering Europe had economic dominance for 300 some years it's quite noteworthy. Also beating Europeans in this time period means you beat the world.

It relies on American institutions and people who grew up in the society far more then immigrants. Not that they aren't to be included but to imply it was mostly done by immigrants is wrong. The vast majority of American innovation and wealth was by people born and raised here.

And it was mostly you guys specifically coming here for a while.

It was all fake.

of course, of course of course. every fucking time it's new york city. the city filled with FOREIGNERS, IMMIGRANTS, and EUROPEANS.

My first point is as sharp as ever. We don’t take in the refugees your weak country does. You’ve been invaded and you’ve lost. Blame your dead (pure white btw good show) parents. We’ll pour out a glass for you because we white people here still think of you as a brother.

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The Land of the Free.

Show flag. Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag.Show flag. NIGGER

I dont understand how we could hate each other, we are brother. I feel closer to a Yankee than a greek guy...

Your ignorance is showing. I get it you only consume jewish media and not books. So Los Angeles and San Francisco are the only American cities that in the west.

As a ignorant person I believe London and Paris are the only European cities that exist. Budapest is fake news.

This guy judged an entire country off of visiting NYC. Wow you just make Europeans look stupid just because of that. You do realize the entire US could fit 30 EU countries or more inside of it? How could you possibly judge the entire country off of one city?

Everyone hates their boss.

Only thing US has that’s mildly attractive are it’s natural scenery, but that is also ruined by the vast distances you must travel just to see them. Why would I bother spending more, wasting time, just to view the Grand Canyon and Niagra Falls when I could see the alps and travel 3 hours to a Med Beach? Europe beats the US in natural beauty as well.