What's your favorite SNES game, Jow Forums?

What's your favorite SNES game, Jow Forums?

Attached: Yoshi's_Island_(Super_Mario_World_2)_box_art.jpg (377x263, 29K)

Definitely Donkey Kong Country 3. It expanded upon what was done right in previous DKC games and corrected some of what was wrong as well. The soundtrack is phenomenal and the gameplay is so simple yet hard to truly master, making for an engrossing and suspenseful experience throughout the entire game.

Attached: DKC3_Cover.jpg (1121x800, 555K)

Super Mario RPG
Followed close by DKC2 and 3.

Attached: Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars (U) [!]000.png (256x224, 22K)

castlevania dracula X

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I will beat it one day. Until then, ultimate snug memories of playing this for hours under tons of blankets during Christmas break and keeping a notebook of the level codes.

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I really hate the Great Cave Offensive and Meta Knight's revenge is the best part of this game

Attached: 262642-kirby-super-star-snes-front-cover.jpg (800x579, 92K)

It would be hard to pick a favourite but I really like the Super Mario World games. Especially the first in particular. Super Metroid and Earthbound are pretty good too.

Attached: super-mario-world-snes-front-cover.jpg (800x561, 117K)

I think the only snes games that I actually finished were Super Mario World and Super Metroid, I didn't really have a lot of fun with Metroid and kind of forced myself to finish it, I probably didn't like it as much because I played Zero Mission and Samus Returns first which I enjoyed more and Super was a bit of a downgrade. Mario World was really fun though so I guess that'd be my favorite.

one of my favorites

Attached: snes_super_bomberman_2_p_le0wxw.jpg (475x347, 171K)

5 is better despite being only in jap


mine is Super Mario Kart

Castlevania 4 nigga

Hey look it's autism

Bomberman 2 is better 5.. mounts are stupid. Better ost.

som and link to the past, best snes games.

Attached: som.png (300x218, 138K)

Zelda A link to the past, though i played it only on emulator.

Super Metroid

shit port of a shit game

MFW nobody mentions Super Metroid

Pocky & Rocky

Attached: 251131-pocky-rocky-snes-front-cover.jpg (800x1447, 227K)

Attached: why.png (664x1220, 1.47M)


1. its a decent game still
2. original is good. die


>dat nigeria flag
A literal nigger, wow


Chrono Trigger

Same here

Top gear. Even though i cant even finish the game.
