>What's the right age to lose virginity for sex (only for pleasure)?
>What's the right age to have sex (to breed)?
Pic related - Me
>What's the right age to lose virginity for sex (only for pleasure)?
>What's the right age to have sex (to breed)?
Pic related - Me
>Pic related - Me
Sage and report
the right age to lose your virginity is anywhere between 16-18
The right age to have kids is somewhere between 25-29
That is not you, this is weak bait.
6 months old. Old enough to enjoy a mouthful of cum.
If her age is on the clock she's young enough for cock
For women, 14,14
For men 15,30
>CP in his ID
>for pleasure
fuck off kike
> 1 Post by this ID
get saged faggot
Obviously not until you're over 55. That way it will be all lubed up by geriatric sore pus and imagine how those flabby wrinkles feel on your flaccid ballsack, all mottled and riddled with moles and lumps. Maybe squirt some cancerjuice along with the rancidified cum
>What's the right age to lose virginity for sex (only for pleasure)?
18-20 with the future father of your kids
>What's the right age to have sex (to breed)?
see answer above
Show benis
After marriage (for both questions).
No. It's 19-29.
Tits with time stamp or GTFO
i wanna phuc
once they start crawling they're in the right position
stamp or fuck off cunt
can you fucking stop importing your threads
it's unhealthy
If her age is on the clock she's ready for the cock
I fucked when I was 8. But I only raw dogged without a condom at 10.