post a classic joke from your country or just a cute anime girl
Post a classic joke from your country or just a cute anime girl
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An Italian, a German and a Swiss are set to be tortured by 100 lashes. Italian goes first. The chambermaster says "You know, Italians make such fine wine, I'll grant you a wish before we start". "Put a pillow on my back". After 50 lashes, the pillow breaks. Then the chambermaster turns to the German: "You Germans make such great beer, I'll grant you a wish too". "Put 2 pillows on my back". The pillows hold. Then he turns to the Swiss. "YOu swiss make such gret chocolate and cheese I'll grat you 2 wishes"."I want 1000 lashes.". Hmmm. ok, granted, what is your second wish? "Put the italian on my back"
shark teef anime girl
shark teef anime girl
you: why do I smell shit
me: because your mum's on the rag
be careful about putting yuor fingers near the teef
a Serb, a Croat and a Bosnian get sent to hell
so satan says: "you can drop one thing into the ocean, if i find it, you get eternal damnation in hell; but if i don't you get to live again.
First went the Bosnian. He drops a rock, and satan instantaneously finds it.
Next went the Croat. satan searched for fifteen minutes to find he had dropped a sewing needle.
The Serb drops something, and satan looks for an hour, two hours, three hours, says fuck it and goes to the Serb.
"so, what did you drop?"
-"an effervescent tablet"
not really classic or particularity good i think but heres what i got
do you know why germans love americans?
its because they arent the most hated country anymore
Q: What do you get when you put two Vietnamese women in a room with a duck?
A: A market
Vietnam has this joke too.
That’s a good one, is that kind of rhetoric popular over there? I can’t say I’ve ever heard of the Swiss having a feud with Italians.
>generic joke about country X hating country Y
Here, I hope I made you laugh
pizza spaghetti benito mussolini capucino espresso parmegiano regiano mama mia
Usually its turks since theres so many of em. But in ticcino its lots of italians
Кyпил мyжик шляпy, a oнa eмy кaк paз.
Women are equal to men
here it comes, some foreign language sperg got triggered by something so they start babbling in their nonsense language classic 4chins
I don't watch anime, but I like this song
A Swede and a Finn are competing who can make their wife scream of pleasure the longest in bed.
The Swede goes first and fucks his wife for 10 minutes and she screams the whole time.
The Finn goes to fuck his wife, cums in two minutes and wipes his dick on the bedroom's Marimekko curtains. Wife screamed for two weeks.
Just kys fag xdxd
Although American English is a demonization of English, I don't think it qualifies as a foreign language.
a russian, an american, and a canadian walk into a bar
bartender says: i will give you drinks for free, but only if you answer what's 2+2
russian says: it's clearly 4
canadian says: it's clearly 4
american says: I dont know, I'm retarded brainwashed fucking faggot son of whore white male I wish mom aborted me so there was one less american white male in this world retarded whoreson
bartender pulls out a shotgun and shoots dumb american in face
I don't get it.
In other news: Does Poland like Canada? I hope Poland likes Canada. I want to be world friends with Poland, they're a pretty innovative bunch, despite being hard and salty slavs to the bone. They could teach us a thing or two about how to deal with multiculturalism (i.e: don't).
Man went to the store shovel.