Ask a dude who wears girls hot pants anything
Ask a dude who wears girls hot pants anything
where do you get all the money for your trips from?
kill yourself
There's a guy who finances some of these trips
how do I find somebody like this
Morbidly Obeter
I met him years ago in a chat room
I think you just suck dick for money, you look like a faggot anyway.
He is a fag though
Not for money
wheres your ass?
how do you SIT
I have a small ass and those who see it from close like it
What size was the biggest dick you've ever taken?
Do you prefer to be burned with oak or pine?
19-20 cm
smooth legs greg strikes again!
who the fuck is this?
well let me fckin see then
I mean, they like it when they are about to penetrate
it's smooth legs greg!
What an awesome collection, thanks
Have a rare Peter.
Then there's the classic from Stelvio Pass from 2013 (the others were taken in 2017/28)
With the glasses, yes.
Lucky I don't post nudes
But you did post a full name and at least partial address, apparently...
All the better, British tourists like commenting, maybe once one of them will recognize me from Jow Forums
Majority don't leave the house.
Not here, they're everywhere in the inner city, and much louder than tourists from any other country
These are probably not the ones using Jow Forums.
Oh so it's the Jow Forums users who don't leave the house? Well I definitely do
That much is clear, you've been posting proof since May 2017.