For those of you have seen jojo's, what stand would you want?

for those of you have seen jojo's, what stand would you want?
I think Heaven's Door is the best, it seems the most useful.

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Hermit Purple for me. It seems useful for alot of things. just hope i dont get jumped by someone that wants to beat my ass because i dont think i'd stand much of a chance

I want Sex Pistols because it’s six friends.

golden wind would be pretty cool but i still want moody blues or the mirror man of star dust crusades but i would go for killer queen

why killer queen? seems pretty combat oriented

if i recall correctly it transforms into another stands where he can time travel

he has to plant a bomb (or something), someone has to trigger it and you'll go back 1 day only.

>you'll go back 1 day only.
sounds good to me
i could try something and if i fuck up i could un fuck it up

you know this will results in someones death tho

Highway Star. It has fast attackspeed, maximum long range, and damage distribution with its foot form being dozens of seperate feet that will keep going if 1 dies or is damaged.
I really liked the sound effect of it too.

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no prob there are millions of accidents ill probably just use a hobo

Or you could get the stand with the manga that foresees the future. It'd be a lot easier.

how does that one works?

why did they stop using ripple?
even if you had a stand would it not be better to also use ripple while fighting?
your stand taking on the enemy stand and then without their stand they're all just ordinary guys so if you knew ripple you could curbstomp them

its called Thoth and it takes the form of a comic book. what appears in the book will 100% happen and nothing can change it. however there is some lee way. the most important one when it showed Jotaros head being split by an explosion but it happened to a guy who had the power to shapeshift into jotaro while the real jotaro remained unaware.

because ripple is a jewkike shitcoin

ripple is extremely uncommon you know. this only applies to Joseph who got too lazy to train his ripple energy but he did try to occasionally use it

the 2nd episode's prediction never happened at all because they didn't follow it's prediction exactly. It can be changed.

isnt that one the one the stand oingo boingo character had or something like that

also star platinum za warudo

no the bullets holes represented where the bullets would hit the magazine into hol horses head. he didnt follow the prediction "shooting at noon" so the thing changed. Its not like you can control the prediction to a very large degree easily.

what good is he for most everyday tasks outside of being extremely strong and precise.

>everyday tasks
nigger I have some supernatural spirit power, why would i just go about living a normal life?
that would be like superman just using his heat vision to cook food and nothing else

i mean i guess but i just assume no one is going to come beat my ass. id use hermit purple to figure out the lottery or something or change the channel.

Little Feet
[spoiler]Don't kinkshame me.[/spoiler]

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thats what youre using it for?

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What else am I gonna do with it?

i guess nothing else

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id use star platinum to just take whatever I want whenever I want it
even if governments sent militaries after me I could probably hold off anything short of ICBM's at which point I would just pause time and gtfo

>not shrinking girls down and then using them as fleshlights

i know star platinum is fast and strong and you get 5 seconds (max) but i dont think it would protect you from several police officers shooting machine guns at u. also i think i read that the human body cant handle stopping time for more than 5 seconds and due to jotaro stopping time so much his stand stats tanked. Besides Jotaro almost died from a rat with a turret