Way Of The Samurai

Samurais are an excellent example of how to conduct your life and live with virtue and honour. I'm learning more about it - please join in with images, links other related information.

Hoping the discipline I lean as I go along will help me in all walks of life
Bushido - Samurai code (7 virtues)

Way of the Warrior - Way of the Samurai

Bushido: The Ancient Code of the Samurai Warrior

Attached: 7_samurai_7.jpg (1564x1564, 813K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=samurai armour&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB785GB786&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj8t-qP1bPgAhVM2OAKHUn2Bq8Q_AUIDigB&cshid=1549887572839358&biw=1280&bih=640#imgrc=68mqu6casrBV2M:

7 Virtues of Bushido

Attached: bushido_7_virtues.jpg (1090x614, 161K)

The samurai (or bushi) were the warriors of premodern Japan. They later made up the ruling military class that eventually became the highest ranking social caste of the Edo Period (1603-1867). Samurai employed a range of weapons such as bows and arrows, spears and guns, but their main weapon and symbol was the sword.

Samurai were supposed to lead their lives according to the ethic code of bushido ("the way of the warrior"). Strongly Confucian in nature, bushido stressed concepts such as loyalty to one's master, self discipline and respectful, ethical behavior. Many samurai were also drawn to the teachings and practices of Zen Buddhism.

Attached: Samurai77.jpg (740x416, 108K)

Incredible armour
google.com/search?q=samurai armour&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB785GB786&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj8t-qP1bPgAhVM2OAKHUn2Bq8Q_AUIDigB&cshid=1549887572839358&biw=1280&bih=640#imgrc=68mqu6casrBV2M:

Attached: armour_samurai.jpg (487x765, 86K)

Fear The Samurai !

You know that many samuria would rape their defeated opponents as a final show of dominance, right? "I beat you with my sword, now I beat you with my other sword". Pretty fucked up. "Just kill me, please". "No, I will ruin your life forever by making you a human sheath for my meat katana! ". Not sure that is virtuous or honorable. Plus, I mean come on, walking around with shit dick is just nasty even if it's because you're the baddest samurai in the land.

Looks alot like U.S. Army values
Selfless service
Personal courage

Oops forgot integrity

Never heard that before, link? Evidence? Or it's just hearsay. Goes against the Bushido code which they demonstrated in all their endeavours. I call BS


Yes it does ! thanks user, would be interesting to compare more...

Attached: 7Armour.png (220x324, 112K)

History of The Bushido Code invaluable.com/blog/history-of-the-bushido-code/

Attached: invaluable-bushido-code-hero.jpg (670x440, 93K)

The best thing Samurai achieved was that they made a society of no war in Japan.
Japanese literacy rate has been higher than Britain since the 18th century.

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Yes that's incredible ! I love the aesthetics too of their weapons, outfits....getting really into the Katanas

Attached: Samurai33Aesthetic.gif (400x296, 1.22M)

>Japanese literacy rate has been higher than Britain since the 18th century.
Wait...what !!!! I had no idea, gonna look into that...

The Samurai was a bunch of whites guys.

more like
And Then
Get ditched by the State when you're a Veteran

keep dreaming, fella, US army has no respect here

Fairly commom knowledge, you filthy Spaniard. Sorry it ruins your perception of Japanese samurai culture. Start looking for it yourself. I'll give you a hint: He is considered one of the greatest samurai ever and, like all greats, was widely emulated. So much so that it led to the creation of a sub-class of samurai; those who were victorious and those who had been disgraced (by taking a cock in their ass). Again, sorry this hurts your notion of the noble Samurai.

Comparing US mercenary 60 IQ idiots to some great warriors as the Samurai is insulting to Japan

I'm English. Not buying it, your attacking not providing evidence. Classic shill. Ignored until you provide links / proofs. You are not very good at your job

Oh, no! You cracked the code by looking at randomly generated alphanumeric strings! Shut it down, boys, looks like this filthy Spaniard is on to JIDF Operation Smelly Samurai Dicks.

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why are you even in this thread no one cares about american opinions you retard, go shoot up a school or something

Keep learning kid, they were just filthy murderous nobles.


read this book

Not onto anything, I'm just into posting about samurais. You do you and I will do me. I LOVE YOU, remember :)

Based samuraiposter
>the jews fear the samurai

The Honorable Death: Samurai and Suicide in Feudal Japan ancient-origins.net/history-ancient-traditions/honorable-death-samurai-and-suicide-feudal-japan-005822

Attached: HonorableDeath.jpg (907x680, 170K)

That they do...

>walking around with shit dick is just nasty even if it's because you're the baddest samurai in the land

It's of no matter if you believe it or not. It's true and, deep down, you know it. I'm not going to spend time looking up links to "prove" the samurai predeliction for buggery. I am simply pointing out that it wasn't all so glorious omg bushido the honorable path. It was the path of "honor" until you lost and then it became the path of getting ass raped. Deal with it.

Stop glorifying a foreign culture you cryptosandnigger.

We had knights and chicalry, they had an actual code that majy held themselves to, the Japanese were beheading savages and Bushido was only popularized by the military government of Japan starting in the 19th century.

“So, boy. You wish to serve me?” Silhouetted against the blue-black sky, the horse-mounted samurai with the horned helmet towered over me like a demon as I knelt in the dirt before him. I could not see his face but there was no mistaking the authority in his growling tone, nor the hint of mockery in his question. I tried to speak and managed only a faint croak. My mouth had gone dry, as parched as a man dying of thirst. But I had to respond. My fate-and though I didn’t know it then, the fate of all of Japan-rested on my answer. Raising my head just enough to brave a glance at the demonic figure, I saw him staring at me, like a hawk poised to seize a mouse in its talons. When I managed to speak, my voice was clear and steady, and I drew courage with each syllable. “That’s correct, Lord Nobunaga,” I said. “I do.”

This is the reason why Japan was able to modernize quickly than China and Korea.

Oh I will glorify them as well. I LOVE Knights, fear not fren. Much Bread coming for honour and glory

Because I like most aspects of Japanese culture but I dislike those who can't accept the whole story and, instead, build a fantasy in their minds? It's no different than the idea of the chivalric knight or the noble savage. Why is that so hard to grasp? Male rape was (and is) an extremely prevelant part of Asian domination, especially in Japan.

Fuck off, nothing wrong with wanting to learn from other cultures to improve oneself. Just like niggers who adopt white culture and become black men, I bet you're such a boomer newfag you weren't even here when Jow Forums knew the difference.

I. Rectitude or Justice

Bushido refers not only to martial rectitude, but to personal rectitude: Rectitude or Justice, is the strongest virtue of Bushido. A well-known samurai defines it this way: ‘Rectitude is one’s power to decide upon a course of conduct in accordance with reason, without wavering; to die when to die is right, to strike when to strike is right.’ Another speaks of it in the following terms: ‘Rectitude is the bone that gives firmness and stature. Without bones the head cannot rest on top of the spine, nor hands move nor feet stand. So without Rectitude neither talent nor learning can make the human frame into a samurai.’

Attached: Bushido_1_1.jpg (321x450, 20K)

Thanks fren, this. We can always just take the best bits if there are negatives

II. Courage

Bushido distinguishes between bravery and courage: Courage is worthy of being counted among virtues only if it’s exercised in the cause of Righteousness and Rectitude. In his Analects, Confucius says: ‘Perceiving what is right and doing it not reveals a lack of Courage.’ In short, ‘Courage is doing what is right.’

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III. Benevolence or Mercy

A human invested with the power to command and the power to kill was expected to demonstrate equally extraordinary powers of benevolence and mercy: Love, magnanimity, affection for others, sympathy and pity, are traits of Benevolence, the highest attribute of the human soul. Both Confucius and Mencius often said the highest requirement of a ruler of men is Benevolence.

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And I am just replying to your post about samurai by adding the unpleasant fact that they had a penchant for fucking the assholes out of the defeated opponents who were not slain outright. Everything you posted about them and bushido is interesting and worth learning about. I merely suggest that learning about the other side is worthwhile, too.

IV. Politeness

Discerning the difference between obsequiousness and politeness can be difficult for casual visitors to Japan, but for a true man, courtesy is rooted in benevolence: Courtesy and good manners have been noticed by every foreign tourist as distinctive Japanese traits. But Politeness should be the expression of a benevolent regard for the feelings of others; it’s a poor virtue if it’s motivated only by a fear of offending good taste. In its highest form Politeness approaches love.

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There are always negatives, that's why weeaboos are dumb. But wanting to learn the good things is a healthy way of appreciating other cultures without escaping one's own culture.

but you're a european, you fucking weeb
we had this thing called knights which is pretty much the same
also, samurais really weren't as virtuous as you think

>Everything you posted about them and bushido is interesting and worth learning about. I merely suggest that learning about the other side is worthwhile, too.
Thank you user. A more polite and thought post gets my attention. I agree....I am learning, if there are negative aspects they should not be ignored, perhaps we can learn from them. As these crimes were so prevelant according to you, I am sure I will find them very soon in my research

Thread coming on them soon, I am interested in exploring other cultures. Why so aggressive? Perhaps learn from your virtuous knights

V. Honesty and Sincerity

True samurai, according to author Nitobe, disdained money, believing that “men must grudge money, for riches hinder wisdom.” Thus children of high-ranking samurai were raised to believe that talking about money showed poor taste, and that ignorance of the value of different coins showed good breeding: Bushido encouraged thrift, not for economical reasons so much as for the exercise of abstinence. Luxury was thought the greatest menace to manhood, and severe simplicity was required of the warrior class … the counting machine and abacus were abhorred.

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Hear hear ! I concur

VI. Honor

Though Bushido deals with the profession of soldiering, it is equally concerned with non-martial behavior: The sense of Honor, a vivid consciousness of personal dignity and worth, characterized the samurai. He was born and bred to value the duties and privileges of his profession. Fear of disgrace hung like a sword over the head of every samurai … To take offense at slight provocation was ridiculed as ‘short-tempered.’ As the popular adage put it: ‘True patience means bearing the unbearable.’

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VII. Loyalty

Economic reality has dealt a blow to organizational loyalty around the world. Nonetheless, true men remain loyal to those to whom they are indebted: Loyalty to a superior was the most distinctive virtue of the feudal era. Personal fidelity exists among all sorts of men: a gang of pickpockets swears allegiance to its leader. But only in the code of chivalrous Honor does Loyalty assume paramount importance.

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Fuck off weeb

Since OP is not a fag, here are some samurai kinos
>Seven Samurai
>Samurai Trilogy
>The Hidden Fortress

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VIII. Character and Self-Control

Bushido teaches that men should behave according to an absolute moral standard, one that transcends logic. What’s right is right, and what’s wrong is wrong. The difference between good and bad and between right and wrong are givens, not arguments subject to discussion or justification, and a man should know the difference. Finally, it is a man’s obligation to teach his children moral standards through the model of his own behavior:

The first objective of samurai education was to build up Character. The subtler faculties of prudence, intelligence, and dialectics were less important. Intellectual superiority was esteemed, but a samurai was essentially a man of action. No historian would argue that Hideyoshi personified the Eight Virtues of Bushido throughout his life. Like many great men, deep faults paralleled his towering gifts. Yet by choosing compassion over confrontation, and benevolence over belligerence, he demonstrated


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Many thanks !

Try :

Samurai, like European knights have been romanticized to be noble and honorable but in reality they were not.
They shit on people lower than them, stole, raped, murdered.
Yes they may have had a supposed honorable ‘code’ they were supposed to live by, but they were human and did shitty human things.
Also, some historians think many samurai were homo, which is why they became samurai in the first place to hide their homolust

>>Seven Samurai
Seven Samurai[2] (七人の侍 Shichinin no Samurai) is a 1954 Japanese epic samurai drama film co-written, edited, and directed by Akira Kurosawa. The story takes place in 1586[3] during the Sengoku Period of Japanese history. It follows the story of a village of farmers that hire seven rōnin (masterless samurai) to combat bandits who will return after the harvest to steal their crops.

Since its release, Seven Samurai has consistently ranked highly in critics' lists of the greatest films, such as the BFI's Sight & Sound and Rotten Tomatoes polls.[4][5] It was also voted the greatest foreign-language film in BBC's 2018 international critics' poll.[6] It has remained highly influential, often seen as one of the most "remade, reworked, referenced" films in cinema.

Original Film Trailer :

Attached: 7Samurai_movie.jpg (314x445, 38K)

The Samurai Trilogy
...is a film trilogy directed by Hiroshi Inagaki and starring Toshiro Mifune as Musashi Miyamoto and Kōji Tsuruta as Kojirō Sasaki. The films are based on the novel by Eiji Yoshikawa, about the famous duelist and author of The Book of Five Rings.

The three films are:

Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto (1954)
Samurai II: Duel at Ichijoji Temple (1955)
Samurai III: Duel at Ganryu Island (1956)
Together, they are a trilogy following the character growth of Musashi from brash—yet strong—young soldier to thoughtful and introspective samurai, culminating in Musashi's duel with the greatest opponent he would ever face.

The choreography for the films was by Yoshio Sugino of the Tenshin Shōden Katori Shintō-ryū.


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Samurai Trilogy I find to be a tad less entertaining than the Kurosawa films, but they're beautifully shot in color.

ojimbo (用心棒 Yōjinbō) is a 1961 samurai film directed by Akira Kurosawa. It tells the story of a rōnin, portrayed by Toshiro Mifune, who arrives in a small town where competing crime lords vie for supremacy. The two bosses each try to hire the newcomer as a bodyguard.

Based on the success of Yojimbo, Kurosawa's next film, Sanjuro (1962), was altered to incorporate the lead character of this film.[2][3] In both films, the character wears a rather dilapidated dark kimono bearing the same family mon (likely the emblem of his former samurai clan, before he became a rōnin).

YOJIMBO Trailer (1961) - The Criterion Collection

Attached: Yojimbo_(movie_poster).jpg (262x379, 31K)

I haven't seen...I am really excited to check them all out, really appreciate your opinion :)

>some subhumans talk you into killing yourself
more mindcucked than even knights (knights=mindcucked alphas who bow to fat weak lords and priests, worthless coward peasants, and women even thought they could kill all of them effortlessly).

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Nine young samurai believe that the lord chamberlain, Mutsuta, is corrupt after he tore up their petition against organised crime. One of them tells the superintendent of this and he agrees to intervene. As the nine meet secretly at a shrine and discuss their problem, a rōnin (Toshiro Mifune) has overheard their plans, and suggests otherwise. While at first the samurai are insulted by his claims, they soon find the ronin to be true. The rōnin helps the samurai, confronts and hits a few of the attackers and bluffs their leader into leaving. The grateful samurai ask what they can do for the rōnin so he takes only a small amount of money; however, after realizing that Mutsuta and his family must now be in danger, he decides to help the samurai.

Attached: SanjuroPoster.jpg (266x373, 28K)

>Pirate meme flag gives ethics lessons. Kek

Samurai films are a genre of their own in japan, called "chambara", named after the onomatopeia of sword fighting. There must be hundreds of films from all time periods. I just named some well-known entry-level films. So if you want more, just search around a bit. Cheers.
Oh and btw The Last Samurai is breddy gud too, desu.

The Hidden FortressThe Hidden Fortress
The Hidden Fortress poster.jpg
Original Japanese poster from 1968 re-release[citation needed]
Directed by Akira Kurosawa
Produced by
Sanezumi Fujimoto
Akira Kurosawa[1]
Screenplay by
Ryūzō Kikushima
Hideo Oguni
Shinobu Hashimoto
Akira Kurosawa[1]
Toshiro Mifune
Misa Uehara
Minoru Chiaki
Kamatari Fujiwara
Music by Masaru Sato[1]
Cinematography Kazuo Yamasaki[1]
Release date
28 December 1958 (Japan)
Running time
139 minutes[2]
Country Japan
The Hidden Fortress (隠し砦の三悪人 Kakushi toride no san akunin, literally, "The Three Villains of the Hidden Fortress") is a 1958 jidaigeki[3] adventure film directed by Akira Kurosawa and starring Toshiro Mifune as General Makabe Rokurōta (真壁 六郎太) and Misa Uehara as Princess Yuki. George Lucas's original plot outline for Star Wars has been noted as having a strong resemblance to the plot of The Hidden Fortress,[4] which would also be reused for The Phantom Menace. Lucas has acknowledged the heavy influence of The Hidden Fortress on Star Wars,[5] particularly in the technique of telling the story from the perspective of the film's lowliest characters, C-3PO and R2-D2.


Thanks fren ! Yeah I have see the Last Samurai, really looking forward to checking out more Chambara then. I've saved all this stuff...You're the man! Have a great day

Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I'm a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

Attached: ken sama.jpg (600x800, 56K)

pirates are based and uncucked unlike the knights and samurais.
The only respectable people to come out of japan are ronins. Everyone else is either a subhuman or someone mindcucked by these subhumans. Europeans are only slightly better in that regard.

The Samurai Katana



Forging a Katana

Attached: Katana777.jpg (275x183, 7K)

>you'll never return to the times when combat was balanced, before people invented dishonoraburu guns

>virtue and honor
So a jew could never be a Samurai. Got it.

Impressive Ken-Sama - I wish you the very best of luck in Japan and on your journey. Much respect to you for following your own path, having discipline and I hope we get to hear more your experiences :)

too bad you fuckers don't actually follow any of your principles.

I wish we could...

Pretty quality thread OP. Good work.

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leftists cant handle this

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Thanks OP, I don't make many...so much to learn in this craft. I will keep at it ! Have a great day

Well, keep in mind that they weren't considered "crimes". It was considered the right of the victor to take what he wanted and, in some cases, the most he could take was his opponents pride and dignity. Hence, rape. It was about power and dominance and not sexual gratification (although seemed to wax on about it almost poetically which makes me wonder).

Sorry for calling you a "Filthy Spaniard". My great-grandmother had an irrational dislike of Spaniards and she would always refer to them as "Filthy Spaniards" and "Never trust a Spaniard". No idea why but it always made me laugh. So, noticing your flag, I couldn't resist honoring the old woman. Absolutely no one in our family knew why she was like that ... probably had her heart broken by some Iberian Lothario in her younger days.

Thanks user, I don't make many...so much to learn in this craft...just figure the more, links, content presented well so people can make their own decisions... I will keep at it ! Have a great day

Yes! Be a good goy and murder innocent innocent civilians for israel. Bonus points if you come back with missing limbs or in a coffin. Your mother will be heart broken and cry a lot, but we will tell her you were a hero while we profit.

>Sorry for calling you a "Filthy Spaniard"
No worries fren, appreciate the apology, no everyone can do that. Will keep the other part in mind....it's good to have a balanced all encompassing viewpoint so your input IS appreciated

lol I meant user, I need a coffee starting to talk to myself. Kek

Nobody wants to believe they are the villain user. It's smart to encourage a copy of that sort of code. It keeps your killbots self regulating. I'm sure that was no accident they are related.

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Samurai Sword Making

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>learning this (((craft)))
2 shekels have been deposited into your JIDF account. Thanks for sliding the really important threads that we don't want goyim to talk about.

Yabusame (流鏑馬) is a type of mounted archery in traditional Japanese archery.

An archer on a running horse shoots three special "turnip-headed" arrows successively at three wooden targets. ... Minamoto no Yoritomo became alarmed at the lack of archery skills his samurai had. He organized yabusame as a form of practice.

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I call everything a craft. I work hard and persevere. Arts and Crafts my friend. Have a great day !

Oh tell me the important threads, if I might concur they are and help make some more !

desu, I found some peace in reading the 5 rings some years ago. Recommended to me by an NCO friend, Turk soldier and Greek security guy.

I tried to read Hagakure which was recommended too. It never felt right if that makes sense. It seemed almost suicidal and self defeating.

I do like the jap art by the samurais.
That's pretty good. Pardon the poor spelling, I'm tired and my language skills are failing.

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The book hagakure is a good read

Kabuto - Samurai Helmet
Kabuto (兜, 冑) is a type of helmet first used by ancient Japanese warriors, and in later periods, they became an important part of the traditional Japanese armour worn by the samurai class and their retainers in feudal Japan.

Note that in Japanese language the word kabuto is an appellative, not a type description, and can refer to any combat helmet.

Attached: 800px-MAP_Expo_Oitaragainari_kawari_kabuto_XVII_02_01_2012 (1).jpg (800x1329, 152K)

Hi user, thanks so much ! Really love hearing recommendations and personal opinions - I have noted to look into. Have a great day

>Get ditched by the State when you're a Veteran

you have any idea what the Meiji Restoration was?

Basically the government confiscated all the swords which led to a bunch of defenseless ronin roaming the country getting mocked. It's just history repeating itself, and Bushido was probably made by a panel of Psyops as well.

Oh I meant to add rest well user, have a break if you can....and checked :)

Thank you.weeb

I've heard of it....it seems to me Western influencepushed this along / was the spark for it...thinks had been quite orderly before. Interesting period, thanks for the reminder.


"The Japanese knew that they were behind the Western world when American Commodore Matthew C. Perry came to Japan in 1853 in large warships with armament and technology that far outclassed those of Japan with the intent to conclude a treaty that would open up Japanese ports to trade.[1] Figures like Shimazu Nariakira concluded that "if we take the initiative, we can dominate; if we do not, we will be dominated", leading Japan to "throw open its doors to foreign technology." Observing Japan's response to the Western powers, Chinese general Li Hongzhang considered Japan to be China's "principal security threat" as early as 1863, five years before the Meiji Restoration."

Attached: meiji-restoration-hero.jpg (620x400, 71K)

Checked. Very happy to be of service :)