Why are so many Romanian prostitutes working in western Europe?

Why are so many Romanian prostitutes working in western Europe?

Attached: romanian-girls-1.jpg (604x604, 75K)

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>why are degenerate whores moving to richer countries where they can make more money by whoring?

user I...

Human Trafficking

So they can 10x on their whoring

They cn earn more and save work enviroment compared to their home countrty. Why do you need that explained, sniffed too much petrol and glue?

So they can keep doing the same as they did back home, but with better pay.

But he is right

So they can produce cam vids of wealthy westerners that can be used against them when they get into power.

They scale high on the hot/poor graph

Any feet pics of this bitch?

If I have to guess it's more profitable and/or safer.

>be poor
>can't be fat because poor
>have to be physically active because poor
>naturally be considered 'hot' because most physically fit people are
Sounds like a pretty linear graph

They get an average month's pay for a blowjob there.

tfw no romanian prostitute gf

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Easy money i guess .
Some of them look so gorgeous i wonder why the fuck they cant get a rich chad .
Probably autism also .

Romanian chicks are hawt.

Because pussy is always welcome

Rich chads can get a woman who is both hot and not a third-world moneychaser.

>produce cam vids of wealthy westerners
90% of men who go to brothels in western europe are arabs turkroaches and other shitskins

How are the brothels in cologne?

no idea
probably full of people I mentioned above

Because they're ultra mega giga whores like all women. I have legit never met a virtuous Romanian woman in my 30+ years of living in this shithole. They are all the biggest gold diggers you will ever find anywhere, literally Jews with vaginas.

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Money? Eastern Europe fucking sucks to work in? Lithuania's population jas lost like 25% to emmigration

As somebody who has actually seen hookers, all the romanian ones I saw were crap. When I was in the UK, the british hookers I saw (that were actually british) were good.

I go to Cologne regularly for work. It's probably full of roaches.

I love Romanian tramps youtu.be/Z0DO0XyS8Ko

Why are so many anti romanian threads made by that flag?

Because with the influx there are now MNAY moslem assholes

Human Trafficking is a fucking myth propagated by politicians to pass laws to oppress citizens and allow spying and continue the war on men by feminists

Dunno but my town is flooded with them. I went to one once and it was awful. One of the worst shags i've ever had. Wasn't worth a penny. I hope they all get deported after Brexit.

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Why do niggers always have disgusting feets?

Shouldn't that be a good thing?
