How do we help turn America into a socialist country?

How do we help turn America into a socialist country?

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We don't, but I hear you like free stuff..

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We don't.

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We can't, stupid

We don't, nigger

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You don't

t.captalist pigs

I hope alexandria ocasio-cortez runs for president. She has my vote.

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>mass surveillance
>no free speech
All it needs to do is ban every political party except for communist party and it's set.

T.Blue-pilled cuck.

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Go to china and try to survive for 1 week in their communist paradise

I spent a week in China. Saw someone shitting outside by a river on one day and the traffic the whole time was awful.
Other than that, it was fine.

Socialism is cancer and counter-productive

Would love to eat another man's cummies from my imaginary gfs pussy

0.5 points were added to your social score


In a socialist America, you could do that.

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>alexandria ocasio-cortez
>Jew York representative
>pro-tranny rights
>pro-open borders
>retarded double last name

Is there a correlation between being a retard and having a double last name? I've met many people with names like this and they tend to be unlikable faggots.

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I’ll have you know I have a double last name as well (which probably correlates to my higher iq). Anywho, socialism will prevail in the end. We will have
>open borders
>more affirmative action for minorities
>paid family leave
>free higher education
>less people in prison
>higher taxes on the rich
>higher minimum wage
And that’s just the beginning

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we can help by launching a genocide against all mutts

>Correlates to higher IQ
Ohmylord we have a newfig..

>user 1 says double name means dumb
>user 2 says that must be why he’s so smart
>can’t understand obvious satire
This is why we need socialism. Every child, no matter how autistic, deserves a quality education.

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Are you fucking retarded nigger?

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You're not issuing satire, you're a filthy communist who needs to be thrown out of a helicopter. Take your political shit to Jow Forums.

Communism didnt kill enough poles or eastern europeans

You socialists are way too optimistic for your own good

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t.triggered and embarrassed capitalist brainlet. The system has failed you, brother. Do not fret though, we will tear it down and build a new one.

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Based flawsy.
Who the fuck are you?

If you grant free higher education for everyone, then why would minorities still need more affirmative action?
Are you afraid the dumbass shitskins will still fail in a fair contest among job applicants based on skill alone??
That employers will prefer huwhite employees because they are smarter, faster, and more reliable, so you have to give shitskins a handicap and force people to hire them???
That's very racist of you.

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Fuck that gay authoritarianism shit.

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The affirmative action is to make sure the minorities get the free higher education in the first place. No matter what laws you put in place, systematic racism will still try push through.

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Still triggered, filthy capitalist? Your time is short, socialism is on the rise and it will not be stopped. Your right to be afraid.

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Our socialist queen grows more powerful by the day!! I can’t wait to see her full rise to power!!

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No, you're just retarded and kinda gay..

Poor insult, most likely the result of the current capitalist school system. As socialism is on the rise, you can take comfort in the fact that your children will most likely grow up in a socialist America and have a much better education than you did.

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>I’m a spic
>I have a high IQ

I'm not a spic, though I do like them and their culture. I wonder if that's where my parents got the idea for my double last name. Anywho, hopefully once we have open borders, we'll have much more Mexicans in America.

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Pretty gay b0ss..

Go live there.

Yikes looks like I got baited

How can you be open borders and pro-worker?
There would be fewer jobs for the workers that you originally promised to protect.

Can't create a more creative insult..sigh, what has this capitalist society done to you...
I do plan on visiting when I have the money
Not at all, I'm quite serious

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go to fucking Cuba if you want a socialist country you fucking dirty commie

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The millions of leftover unemployed would get free gibs, of course!

No, there's plenty of jobs fr everyone. The myth of "there's only so much jobs to go around" was created by this capitalist society. Look at countries with democratic socialism, like Sweden. They accept large loads of immigrants, and still have a booming economy.

sweden is literally a fucking shithole

ok so basically im anarcho fascist

No. Just go there and stay there. It's what you want.

be sure to go OUTSIDE the safe tourist cities to see how successful gun-grabbing was in Mexico. The anti-fun laws didn't make them safer.

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I have family there, and have been there 3 times. I assure you, it's not. The only people that complain about Sweden is Americans.

many of those rapefugees still aren't fluent in swedish (lazy cunts), and are living on gibs with no job.

yeah probably because they live in the 0.001% of non-shitty cities, the country itself is fucking ass

What about the swedeposters right here on Jow Forums? They complain about Sweden.

That’s stupid. Large parts of Mexico are highly dangerous.

ban evader detected

I prefer my home country. And that goes for any country I.e France, Canada etc.

Open borders is a capitalist trick to get cheap labor. it all about the profit.

and the gun control didn't help.

Move to NK or China.

Chances are, if you’re on Jow Forums, and your country isn’t 100 percent white, you’re going to complain. That’s the type of audience this site attracts.


000 ID get

No thank you, I don’t like dictatorships.

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socialism is dictatoral and evil

Capitalism is dictatoral and evil

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It already is but conservatives are so stupid all you have to do is yell "Commies" and they'll suck your rich cock.

Athouritarianism is gay and you're all retarded. Now kiss.

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redpilled af
In a letter to Engels, in reference to his socialist political competitor Ferdinand Lassalle, Marx wrote: "It is now completely clear to me that he, as is proved by his cranial formation and his hair, descends from the Negroes who had joined Moses' exodus from Egypt, assuming that his mother or grandmother on the paternal side had not interbred with a nigger. Now this union of Judaism and Germanism with a basic Negro substance must produce a peculiar product. The obtrusiveness of the fellow is also nigger-like." Engels shared Marx's racial philosophy. In 1887, Paul Lafargue, who was Marx's son-in-law, was a candidate for a council seat in a Paris district that contained a zoo. Engels claimed that Lafargue had "one-eighth or one-twelfth nigger blood." In a letter to Lafargue's wife, Engels wrote, "Being in his quality as a nigger, a degree nearer to the rest of the animal kingdom than the rest of us, he is undoubtedly the most appropriate representative of that district."

I want a communist femdom gf who wants to seize the means of my reproduction and milk me with their warm pussies.

capitalism is free and based
it's good

You know you want to join us. Come on, we can always use another warrior in the fight agansit capitalist dictatorship.

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capitalism is not a dictatorship
it is free

Capitalism is a jewish trick.

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stop bumping this you lil niggas

communism was literally invented by jews

In my socialist America, that’s how all sexual relationships would be.

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Stalin killed more jews than Hitler, ergo communism is based and redpilled :^)

Based and socialismpilled

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Give me a femdom gf who loves me for who I am and won't cheat on me and force me to cum deep inside of her for the state.


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Become more like Canada.

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>he doesn't realize communism is a jew trick

Both are jewish tricks but one will give me a state mandated waifu.

I hope you’re prepared to be milked raw everyday

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women are a means of production
sexual egalitarianism with 5th positionist economics is the only solution

Top kek

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That's a dream I want
The state redisbutes the waifus so that every man has a woman who is of breeding age to be bred by milking the husband dry.
Literally a perfect society.

ive seen this image so many times i literally disregard everything the poster says and does and just call them a faggot

You've never had a job, have you, OP?
That fat chunk that goes to taxes turns most commies into libertarians.

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>how do we encourage the destabilization of a country by instilling twisted ideals into the weak-minded youth
through memes, as you've been doing, Russia.

Nobody would ever take meme warfare seriously, that's ridiculous!

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He is even worse than a russian tranny, he is....a swede.

just OP puts cute anime girls in propaganda does not make me want communism

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Remember when communism was as cringey as fedoras and trenchcoats?

Sure user, sure

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Not anymore baby, it’s back and hotter then ever

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Fuck you in particular (begging for starvation and poverty)

But communism will give your waifu to you because the state loves you!

communism will never come back in the west
it never came here in the first place
begone commie