what are your favorite snacks Jow Forums?
What are your favorite snacks Jow Forums?
those look devilish
If I had to say something rn I'd probably go with pork rinds, but if you mean street food or the ilk, idk.
your mom's pussy
your dad's dick
i want one so bad
These fuckin things are real? Why?
This is the first I've heard of them, but they shouldn't be hard to make on your own. Maybe I'll try my hand at it one day, they seem fun.
I imagine the idea is chicken and waffles + waffle cones. Seems reasonable to me.
im so hungry
explain how the fuck you're supposed to eat this
you eat the pieces if chicken with your mouth then you eat the cone when the chicken is hard to reach with your tongue and mouth
Either use a fork or eat the pieces on top first and eat the waffle cone as you go down so there's always at least one or two poking out that you can easily reach with your mouth without being messy
Chicken and waffles confuses non-Americans. I can't imagine those two unlikely items would taste remotely good together.
oh man
sweet and savory always goes good together, and fried chicken is often paired with a sweet dipping sauce anyway. It's really nice when you want something dense, with meat, and sweet.
also don't worry y*nkees and commiefornians don't get it either
that looks delicious
i want diner food so bad right now
i had this in chicago once and it might be the best pizza ive ever had
i dont know why they brag about deep dish this is where its at
So like pork chop pancake sandwiches would be good?
maybe if the pork is breaded and the pancakes are used like a sandwich
Don't have a dish like that but I could see making potato pancakes and using that with fried porkchops in an open-face sandwich. That sounds pretty good, actually.
Except they do.
>tfw want food but too drunk and high to leave the house
this is from Beasley's chicken and honey in downtown raleigh NC btw
never heard of spƤtzle before. German cuisine is a big unknown to me.
I've grown attached to fried green beans dipped in ranch. Delicious and half the calories of fries.
you aren't a vegan are you Jow Forums?
damn shouldna done drugs huh
For me, personally, it's the McChicken.
your mom desu
I'm going to be craving chicken & waffles and bbq for the next month... I guess I'll just have to get some soon then.
>tfw mommy orders mozzarella sticks for the table
sweet potato fries > regular fries
fight me
They probably do. I tried biscuits with gravy for the first time in upstate NY a couple of years. Amazing.
try country fried steak for similar goodness
surprised you can actually find it that far north
Cashews are pretty damn tasty in my opinion, so probably them.
im making this tomorrow
they're definitely easy to munch on.
simple, but stew is always good. Though, I feel like I always waste any onion I put in it cus of how much they shrink. I'm about ready to just mix some onions into my future beef stew after it's already done cooking.
thats a pot roast not a stew, you just cook everything in the juices all day
how are these not a thing in the US yet
Explain the difference between a pot roast and a beef stew because I still don't understand
Sorry, we cook our beef stew just the same as we do pot roast (just cutting the ingredients up beforehand) and I didn't think about it.
but, honestly, same deal. The onions shrivels up either way.
They probably are a thing in CA which means they'll be a thing in NY and a few other cities shortly afterwards.
it looks like this when you take it out while beef stew is still mostly broth and the beef is cooked in small chunks
i wish i could will food into existence
>beef stew with all the broth drained
pot roast is a single piece of meat that you pull apart like that after slow cooking it
beef stew is beef chunks from a different part of the animal
they are similar but not the same thing
we normally leave it whole and you carve pieces off. it ends up being cooked potatoes and carrots with a slab of meat as opposed to beef stew, which is all of that diced and floating in its juices. It's basically a matter of presentation; think taco vs burrito (even though those have more differences, but whatever, you get what I mean.)
jesus christ what the fuck is that shit
your new god
Why would you want that ina waffle cone? Seems like an extra step. Me personally I just love a frozen swiss roll, but tonight im settling for gluten free cupcakes from trader joes.
in fair food form