Gays make more money than straights

disease vectors man

yeah naw. about as natty as zyzz

>tfw you will never see scooby/zyzz skateboard squat themed no-homo gay porn
Why even live?

Also this is now a workout thread, daily reminder that if you can't do 1/2/3/4 you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

I saw Scoob biking around Stanford once.

I knew that most homos were pedos but dam, 3.4% for Hereros is a lot.

I like scooby but we all know the problems with what he says. Having more than two children is inconsiderate. Which is just another way to displace the only ethnic group who cares about the environment therefore the world. Piss off homosexual agenda. Homosexuality is literal an epidemic, not a hateful falsehood

It is an estimate though with pretty big variance. The bigger lesson is the proportion between hetero/homo.

scooby squats scooby squats fit fit fit

a lot of billionaires are homos
must be something to do with being able to avoid the roastie jew

Very true. Patient Zero was also a leaf. Unsurprisingly.

>gays produce fewer children
>and in a planet nearing its carrying capacity this is a good thing
>is white and lives in the first world
It's ((((Scooby))) isn't it?