Jow Forums is /chen/
Other urls found in this thread:
chen is my senpai
eW, a Spade.
chen is sex
ok libtard
Chen my ass
I summon shit post
Adolt Chen is sex.
Chen ur face
He is kill, and we buried him.
False, Jow Forums belongs to the OG bant crew
I hardly see most of the OG Jow Forums crew anymore, and even the queen is under attack
Gone but not forgotten.
Sup /Chen/?
Oh got I just dodged a bullet.. wtf?
Nope, you got GAY id, it still counts!
But still gone.
Nope, green like a frog. Numbers don't count unless it's 1337
That just makes you a G4Y frog, and yes, numbers do count. The rest of the board would agree that this counts as a GAY id.
Eh, like I said minutes ago; it's inevitable for everybody. This is what I get for the good ID the other day..
things change old man
Bring it on internets. I sustain myself on salt.
Lol, board's scared..
Chen ID get
pic unrelated
>5A2 looks like a confused emoji.
this is extremely outdated
where is Suiseiseki, the princess of Jow Forums?
i didn't roll quints for nothing.
chen might be kureizy now but you should see him after I am done with him
i can help you with that, if you catch my drift
i managed to find it but internet too shit to download it.
This is getting pretty gay...
oh no no, we are just having a friendly conversation.
definitely not plotting something.
I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
when do we start the plan
*grabs you*
uh oh
Oh, it's on nao.
*bites you*
no, you haven't.
well, since you already grabbed him (), let's do it now!
*grabs you by your mouth and pull you off of him*
Quickly, put the muzzle on him!
*lets go for a second but grabs collar*
lead the way
No u
*I punch both of you in the windpipes and take off at mach 1*
what muzzle I forgot to bring it
no u
no u
oh well, we'll manage somehow.
you hold his collar while i get him "ready" for both of us.
*grabs your hands and holds them behind your back as i grope your butt*
sir yes sir
*I buck my legs and give you a solid kick to the kneecaps*
ow, you fuck
drag him to that bed, this kid is a wild one.
*i push you facedown into the bed, holding your hands behind your back and wrapping my legs against yours as i grind my growing bulge against you*
*drags and tosses body onto bed*
*fastens securely*
but I'm not gay so I'm gonna leave now
have fun
hey no, come back, why are you leaving me alone?
cuz im not gay
>im not gay
well, you got lucky this guy here got a sexual revelation.
i'll be leaving you tied to this bed for a while, you figure out how to get out.
i'll be taking my leave now as well.
No! you're not gay! Baka Baka Baka , Baaka
I think I'll sleep like this for a bit. Sleep tends to loosen up things that wouldn't be loosened up otherwise.
See you around lad.
Discord thread desu, nevertheless keep it up chenfren
a'ight sleep tight, man.
don't let the bedbugs bite.
oh and have a Chen
Epic Gdp ID
and you stay safe out there.
Triplels, LOLE!
Nah its m0ite eyedee. Alternatively gdp=general dental practitioner
That got weird after I left, kek