Don't we all need a gentle hand to pat our heads and lean ones against the warm chest?

Don't we all need a gentle hand to pat our heads and lean ones against the warm chest?
Don't our souls need to be healed by someone's kind words delivered with whispers?
Why am I so addicted to simpe love?
Is it still left?

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Doesn't matter anymore. *yawn*

people like us don't get love

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Do you want to nestle in my warm chest

This user. The sooner you accept the sooner you’ll be at peace

Only if you are a comfy young woman.

just become the young woman uwu

Sorry, but all this stuff is a kind of perversion. Why can't it be just a casual love between man (male) and woman (female). With no putting all the bed stuff out of the bed.

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because it only exists in fairy tales

And that's why I hate this useless world with only flesh and without love nor even trust and loyalty. Every girl I used to be attached to had only played with me, she'd only found me as a pass of time, as a funny guy with a bunch of cool stories about alcohol and stuff. There's no need in such a weak and birding person as I am. Why am I drunk again, I'm only 20 yo but already feel like this word doesn't suite me at all. Where is the love, where is the honesty of the people you attached to? I didn't really know how not to cry of it. Gonna sleep right now for only in the dream I can see the wonder but paying the price of the will to don't ever be waken up from this colourless but still warm dream. Just like a kid's fairy tale.

try your luck with guys but avoid the gay ones

>avoid the gay ones
even bi-scum?

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Nah, I've found out that my text above is a pure shite. I can't even beat the English language and my phone T9. Yah, now I'm in a sin of phoneposting from the browser version of the site, yah. Guys are disgusting, gays are to be burned alive. Humanity will lost noting if we get rid of the 1 breedless percent of its population, I guess.

the pope should be exectuted and christcucks gassed on the spot even orthodox ones

I don't give a fuck about Christians. I just want a girl's gentle hand to rest my drunken head.

no such thing

Gonna drown in my useless dreams than. Let this tread die and leave me cry alone again.

Nobody deserves love


if you are straight, then you aren't truly desperate for love.

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