Blackpill Depression

Well Jow Forums, I'm a depressed marine vet. I am depressed as fuck. I have lost motivation to get a job, quit talking to my friends, dropped out of college, slowly losing interest in my 13 year hobby of guitar, slowly losing my gym routine, sick and tired of these same fucking walls and computer screen, and I'm tired of seeing the decay in my society and the death of western culture. I can't relate to anyone and I'm slowly beginning to hate just about everyone and everything because it's all so jewed to shit. Also doesn't help I live in California All I obsess about is saving western civilization but how the fuck can I do that if I can't even save myself? It's like I am the exact opposite of what I preach. A total hypocrite. Bliss is truly ignorance. But I don't regret taking the black pill. I'd rather see the truth no matter how ugly it is. Anyone else feel the same? Got advice? Stories?

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Other urls found in this thread:–Christian

bumping with art because I like fine art. It calms me down.

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Go to a different state, live with different kinds of people. The longer you are in a place, the more you believe that it is the whole world, and that the whole world is like that.
Visit some new places, choose one you like better than where you are now, and move there.
It doesn't have to be perfect. Try it out for six months, a year, see if you feel more yourself. If it sucks, try another place.
Location has a big effect on what you can do, how you feel and the people that are around you.

You need Christ.

hey brother, I'm working on construction methods that will make homes significantly less expensive to build. It's about 1 year from breaking ground on a NS oriented community. Give me 1 year and you will have purpose, motivation and a future to build a family around. I want you around to help me build it

That's in no way a real Hitler quote.

ignore this. .you need agnosticism + logic

Also, obsessing about things you can't change on a personal level - as in obsessing or worrying or stressing about civilisation as a whole is only going to cause you stress, and have no positive effect.
First take care of your own life, do constructive things, help people around you who you think deserve your help. From that point, you can progress.
Since you find art calming, I'd recommend you to start drawing and/or painting. You'll suck at first, but with time and effort you will improve, and you'll appreciate it for the same reason you like looking at paintings.

same lol
I don't have any advice. Everyone speaks in empty platitudes. You aren't alone. I feel something coming. I am waiting to see what it may be.

Don't worry. Spring is on it's way. This winter has crushed even the annoyingly positive.

I want to move closer to nature so fucking bad. Somewhere I can open my back door and fire a few rounds off for the hell of it with no worries. Somewhere where the majority population is white.
In my heart, I know he walked the Earth. I do agree I need some kind of religion. Something to look up to and have faith in.

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Its perfectly normal and I'd say healthy to feel sad and fucked up about the decay and decline of Western civilization. That said what you can do to feel better is renounce and condemn degeneracy every time it comes up in conversation with your friends and neighbors and subtly redpill them on HOW the status quo is making society turn into shit, and the rest will take care of itself. Chin up, user we've a new war to fight, a cultural one

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>, sick and tired of these same fucking walls and computer screen
this makes me think you might benefit from a road trip.

depression is so narcissistic yet when your in it it's impossible to move. I don't agree with you on some things however I play and record music and it fucks me off when I can't find the energy to do this thing I love. Try writing 3 longhand pages a day for a week

Don't leave cali, stay, help us rebuild and remove the scum that gives this great state it's reputation

Is that a real Hitler quote?
It’s beautiful

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Just came back from Syria and about to go there again, bombing Arabs is hilarious.

Just go on active duty again.

Do some scouting, travel to some other states, find a place with almost all european blooded people, a good place with low crime rate and where you can be useful to the local community.
Then move there. If you've family in california, once you are on your feet you can visit them regularly.
Be proactive, make it happen.
If necessary, stop reading Jow Forums stuff for a while. It isn't going to go anywhere, and currently too much thinking is bringing you down. Take a break and do what you need to do.

New channel worth subscribing to hit the translate button

I used to make so many of my own comics when I was a kid. Drew so fucking much it drove my teachers mad. I dont know why I stopped drawing. Thank you for the advice my man. I really do have a bad obsession with things I have no control over. But deep down I want to fight for the world I believe in too.
I feel something coming too, but I am tired of waiting for some event to kick off. It's getting me nowhere.

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Patrick? Patrick Little? Keep up the good work, bro. We'll get rid of the damned Jews yet.

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Army Vet here. Get back in the gym and lift, I don't care if it's a meme, do it. Find ways to play guitar again and turn it into a group or public habit. Also, write and look into PTSD therapy. Get the fuck out of California, no one can be happy there.

sounds like the last words of a drag queen dying of aids

Man, I've been there; I'll pray for you, alright?

Aside from a *lot* of prayer, I found doing something about it even if it's something little like this petition -- -- can help.

It's Taylor Swift lyrics.
Still beautiful tho.

Learn humility, seek answers and you will find them, ask and you will be given, knock and He will answer. Every man is looking for something bigger than himself. When you find time, read the Gospel of St. John, it'll take about half a day if you blast through it. It is filled with confession after confession that Jesus was Christ.

Or just listen to all these black pilled agnostic atheist Jews who'd have you suicide yourself for their momentary amusement. God loves you and has a plan for your life. The first step is simple observation, and recognizing that you are lost.


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AGREED. this is a miley cyrus quote.

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Hang in there bro. Start small but get outside yourself, even if just going for a walk. RLTW

Whenever some retard posts Black crime stats they fail to take into account how Blacks are convicted at a higher rate. Heres a copy Pasta for anyone who needs it:

57% of rape in America is committed by white men

39% of the incarcerated population is white

45% of homicide is committed by white people

58% of hate crime offenders are white

69% of all violent crime is committed by white people

If you're about to say "but muh per capituh"; the US justice system targets minorities over white people.

Despite white people being on par of committing crime when it comes to comparing by race (or they own the lion's share in most cases), black people are 6 times more likely to be incarcerated.

Five times as many white people are using drugs as black people, yet black people are sent to prison for drug offenses at 10 times the rate of white people. Black people represent 12% of the total population of drug users, but 38% of those arrested for drug offenses, and 59% of those in state prison for a drug offense. Black people serve virtually as much time in prison for a drug offense (58.7 months) as white people do for a violent offense (61.7 months).

If black people and Hispanics were incarcerated at the rate of white people, the prison population would drop 50%, which would reflect that white people commit the most crime in any category and would be the largest prison population in America.

Some more facts about white people:


During France's occupation of Algeria, between 15% and 25% of the Algerian population died in concentration camps?

Concentration camps built by the British during the Boer War murdered over 26,000 people?

Between 1904 and 1908, Germany enacted a genocide campaign against the Herero and Namaqua people, murdering over 100,000?

That France set up concentration camps for fleeing Spanish Civil War refugees in Tunisia that totaled over 100,000 prisoners, many of whom they later transferred to Nazi concentration camps?

Under Vichy France, over 415,000 African Jews were interned at concentration camps in Africa?

Over 100,000 Libyans were murdered at the hands of Italians after their forcible relocation into concentration camps under the Italian occupation?

That the British murdered up to 300,000 of the Kikuyu people from 1954 to 1960 in concentration camps in Kenya as part of an ethnic cleansing campaign?

The Atlantic slave trade killed over 5 million Africans in transit and forcibly removed 12 million Africans?

During the Belgium colonial occupation of the Congo, 15 million Congelese died (60% of the population) under colonial brutality?

What sort of organizations do whites have in America? Let's take a look:–Christian

Basically: Religious extremists promoting violence against anyone who does not look like them or who is opposed to them. Sounds familiar...

Oh, and who can forget: 58% of white voters voted for Trump.

Although my favorite fact about white people:

>completely useless
Yep checks out

Whites are responsible for nearly every major war, famine, injustice, genocide, sterilization, rape, and theft in recorded history.


The white community needs to accept responsibility for their actions.

Hey devil dog, I know its cliche you need some kind of mission. Fucking anything where you can see some progress and obsess over that. And not something so grand as saving western civilization, yet. Moving is probably good. I hear Montana is pretty sick. Regardless, just dont be a fucking quitter. We need people like you around.

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Why? They weren't alive at the time.

I never got a chance to fight in Afghanistan. Even if it was for Israel, I don't care. I feel like putting my training to the test and experiencing real life vs death was something to be revered as a warrior. Now I'm waiting for some stupid civil conflict or something to kick off so I have something actually worth fighting for.
Not Patrick, but I hope someday.
I still lift everyday except weekends. I'm in good shape and have a good build but my food routine has kinda fallen apart.

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Pick a topic and draw it. Draw from observation too, put half an hour in a day, try to do it every day, or several set days of the week.
Force yourself to do it for the first few weeks, it will seem a bit weird at first, but once you've done it for a few weeks you'll be back into it and start developing ideas, start enjoying it more. You'll also begin to do it as a good habit and pick up momentum and skill.
Find some pdfs, or buy a book on drawing, go through it step by step, take your time.
Do the things you love, they will bring peace and confidence and give structure to your life too, and give you a direction.

Don’t give up. The black pill is a pit that will destroy you. I had to move from Canada to here to change my life, and I thank God every day that I did.

I went from being depressed and seeing no hope for the future. To having a solid middle class income, a qt virgin catholic gf who I will wife in a couple years and the hope of a large family in the future. Just don’t give up friend.

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get back to the gym routine, buy an older car to work on, and get your ass to the local baptist church to find a good wife

Blackpill might not mean what you think it does lmao

>toothpaste faggot

It's February, grunt, this is when mother nature attacks your bodily functions and tells you to hide in the cave and not waste the calories until spring.
Chuck up, you're almost to May.
Also, no more caffeine, it causes hallucinations and mood swings.
No more alcohol, it depresses you.
And watch the light pollution, you need a regular sleep schedule.

Also, as much as you are pulling my heart strings, Private, this is /pol, not /k, not /b, and not /lbtq. If you want to be touchy feely, you have to do it around POLTICS, and you're not talking those.
Off Topic.

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Dammit marine, fucking overcome and adapt. If its all pointless bullshit, make your own point, make your own purpose. If your red-pilled and you know how fucked all this is go out and fight it. You can do more than 99% of us. Organize motivate, lead, inspire. Go to the damned street corner and proclaim the truth, your strong enough to stand up to any fuck who tries to stop you. Go and teach people how th be ready to fight for what's right, for their people, for their nation.
Fuck if you can't even muster up that strength, just take advantage of the fact your one of the finest trained soldeirs on the face of the earth, and make the system hurt. Go guerrilla, take out as many of the fucking pigs as you can, become a hero and inspiration for the cause.

Dammit man thousands of years of civilization fought and died and struggled and pushed forward that you could exist here today, honor their struggle and the struggle of all our people by continuing that push forward, never quit on them, never surrender on them, and show our enemies that we will never be their fucking cattle.

Wow, chcialem to samo zrobic.

Thank you my brother I was thinking about Idaho or something. Somewhere where rent is cheap, the towns are small and the gun laws loose.
That's not a bad idea. I'll give it some thought for sure.
I'm surprised out of all of the places to escape degeneracy from, Canada would be last! I'm sure all that migrant and gay shit is mostly in urban areas anyway. Glad to hear everything's alright.
I fear everyday I wont have kids and a wife. My other fear is having children and then divorcing. Women are crazy these days. But then again, I gotta be picky when it comes to a good mother.

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Are you also di*spora? I had an easy transition because I have Polish citizenship from my parents, and they taught me Polish at home growing up.

Thank God my parents didn’t decide to assimilate me.

Honestly with your training and experience, if you truly feel like your life is going nowhere you could always just go full Breivik (in Minecraft of course haha).
Basically what this user said.

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Don't think so much. Start doing positive and constructive things regularly, no matter how small.
When you have a solid routine and are doing a lot, then give yourself periods of time to think in. Your thoughts will be a lot clearer and more constructive.


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Canadian cities are overrun with degeneracy. But when you look at it from a family perspective, moving out into rural areas makes finding a quality wife almost impossible ( doubly so because Canadian culture ruins women ) and then earning a salary that can support a large family in a rural area is nigh impossible unless you want to be away from them at weeks at a time. My point is the same point others have made here.

Move. Escape the degeneracy. You can do it, even if it’s hard life is what you make it. So you can resign yourself to giving up, or you can be a man and struggle towards a better life.

Our struggle is a spiritual one, not a material one. I don’t say this to brag, but if I can move to a country I have never lived in and have no direct family in at the age of 23 and make it, so can you.

7 years ago I was a depressed, fat virgin who did nothing but smoked weed and played video games. Now I have a future ahead of me and my life is great and my future is only looking to be better. You just have to do it. Don’t be crippled by what you know, use it as an impetus to change your life for the better.

This thread wasn't political enough? Fuck the mods are such utter faggots.

welcome to bant retards! see our queen!

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it wasn't always like this... I think it's just one faggot mod tossing every thread he doesn't like into bant, which he has made his own personal trashcan

My parents are and I was born here. I have my Poish passport and the transition should be easy for me too. My fondest childhood memories were visiting Poland.

Jow Forums is one of only 5 boards that are exclusively run by mods. /qa/, /s4s/, /b/, and /trash/ are the others.

You sound alot like me right now. And that is very true about how it is a spiritual one. I never actually thought of it that way. Materialism is a bad trait to have and I want to avoid it. I tend to be happy with little. There is a saying in the Marines: "Marines do alot more with little." Another thing I really took away was my battalion commander telling us, "doing the right thing sucks. It's hard. It easier to do wrong. But true right comes from choosing it when presented with wrong."

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the whole site is dying
really it makes more sense to leave threads like this in Jow Forums, as it encourages real discussion. the spammers etc tend to leave this type of thread alone as it doesn't contain any keywords

You are in the same position I was in not too long ago. Eventually something snapped. I just thought “ fuck, my life has no meaning, and it won’t have meaning unless I give it meaning “ . I mulled over a very long time as to what that meant, eventually I figured it out. Family gives purpose, and there is no better place to raise a family than in the Fatherland.

Do it user, you will be happier here. And if you can speak Polish well you can always get another degree here for free, ( or pay about $3000/year for an English program including books for a standard 3 year bachelors program ) .

user, whatever you do, don’t give up. Make a move and improve your life. There are women out there who aren’t whores, there are places out there with healthy social atmospheres.

I think I will take up painting in my spare time here. I’ve always wanted to do so but outside of painting 40k models in my youth I’ve never hand much artistic talent or inclination.

Seems like a good hobby that isn’t too expensive to get into and can be very cathartic.

The weak should fear the strong.
Might makes RIGHT!

>Got advice?
Leave the profligate West, STOP the commiefornia migration into places like Nevada, Arizona, and Texas. Everyone is depressed in California, that's why half of the degenerate population does nothing but shoot heroine all day when they aren't spreading aids intentionally.

I'd probably be depressed to if I lived in that shit whole.

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and this is why i support gun control

Also can't y'all stop blaming your autism on brown people

More like Fun control

Honestly, do charity work. Live life for others and your own problems will start to fade. I am in a similar situation (not a vet, but depressed, scarred and completely disillusioned with this jewy society). I am going to leave my full time 5 star restaurant pizza job, and start helping the homeless, colunteer for community work, work in opships, maybe help the RSL (australian Retired Servicemen league) and I've even contemplated joining the freemasons since despite the conspuracy stuff, they do a lot of good for the community and seem to be interested in helping both their members and oeople around them, though I have some reservations about becoming a mason. We'll see what happens ;)
Anyway, best way to change your life is change your actions and perspectives. The world is fucked, we literally cannot do anything about it. So instead, do something about what you can influence. Help the poor, save the whales, you'll make friends, make a positive change, and see new environments and should overall end up feeling better about yourself and your life. Best of luck user, sending my nohomo love and blessings to you.

>mfw I see my shocking typing skills