Can you imagine this happening in real life user

can you imagine this happening in real life user

>~< i'd be so embarassed user
i'd probs die uWu

Attached: CEBD0D23-DF33-4663-82CD-AF4F378B3CF8.png (900x1274, 1003K)

who are you quoting?

unintended green text
plz ignore and pretend it is regular text

kill yourself

im straight user
no homo ofcource

*squeezes boober*

this isn't you, Amei-sama

all of the girls you want to fuck are men, Amei.
and /cm/ is /c/ for faggots.
you were never a good poster and your relevance will remain the same as that of a kpop thread.

Hoy bading wala kang dede.

>astolfo with tits

Whats the point really?