Sexbots are coming and they will completely transform human society forever.
Women will quickly be replaced by beautiful machines that can do eveything the human female can do but better.
Women as they are now will go extinct before 2050.
Sexbots will be bigger than the industrial revolution
Is this a horse?
Minamoto no Raikō Fate/Grand Order. This is what google say
Yikes, how is that cope going on for you?
Sucks that you'll never get to experience organic and real pussy. I'm cringing really hard at how unbased you are.
give me futabot
>men get sexbots
>women get penis envy
>only fuck blacks and mexicans who cant afford sexbots
>import a billion muslims to give them dick
yea great job
I have always been critical of these things, still am... but I would get one given that certain factors are met: price, anonymity of purchase, a place to hide it, and most importantly it needs to look exactly the way I want it to look.
You call them sexbots, but they will be more than that
They will be artificial companions.