Can anyone explain to me what makes this ice fairy so special to Jow Forums?

Can anyone explain to me what makes this ice fairy so special to Jow Forums?

I'm not trying to hate her or anything, I just want to know her appeal.

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that fact she's Jow Forums only real long-running meme that can be understood by other boards

Why is it so easy to understand her? This newfag (me) does not get it.

I guess you could say she was Jow Forums's first notable GETS

Oh, so there's some history to her too. Okay.

a retard (kog) repeatadly scritfags and retards bumpcult unamusing unfunny uninteresting threads because of so

yep, then after that, the meme was forced like crazy.

She is one of the few surviving members of the Jow Forums crew

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rangeban malaysia - the thread

>the absolute state of bant
nothing of old bant has survived and its gotten to the point where apuposting is synonymous with frogposting
i want off this wild ride

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