If you had to describe my personality what would it be like

If you had to describe my personality what would it be like

Attached: __akaza_akari_yuru_yuri_drawn_by_tata_tataice__7e267ee4e71e1788b27a0d20002cc884.jpg (943x800, 326K)

A faggot

I describe your personality as a bit of a weirdo

A faggot

A faggot

Is that because that is the only word you Know or was it an informed choice

I see. Pretty epic winky face emoji

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Hmmmm~, you have a dull personality.

Attached: Me.gif (244x96, 37K)

Well you have a dull face. I will fucking pound your pu$$y to smithereens you damn yokai looking ass mother fucker

newfag retard