Working class/middle class hate thread Shit these serfs do: >shop at Walmart >eat shitty food >can't afford car insurance so if they hit you they run >don't even own a suit or know how to wear one >wear cargo shorts and sandals >buy $5 bottles of wine for your dinner parties >go to community college for a shitty degree or certificate that's worthless >never network or volunteer and then bitch how they can't move up the corporate ladder >doesn't play golf, the White Man's Sport™
>imagine being so trashy that you're born in a flyover state I'm going to be sick
Ian Ortiz
wow, Ive been trolled, epically, by an epic troll
Lincoln Harris
No trolling. What are you, poor? Here's some more signs you're low class scum: >doesn't save any money, no money put into retirement. When they get old they leach off the system >smokes weed by buying eighths >drinks bottom-shelf liquor >eats canned sauce >only eats out at fast food places
Connor Russell
>isn't a recognizable name in town >had a kid before 25 >never joined a fraternity >watches plebball, swears allegiance to team >buttons the top button of shirt if not wearing a tie >can't tie a tie
Adrian Collins
>leases anything (car, condo, phone, etc.) >pays for everything on a credit card and pays the minimum every month Fucking makes me want to vomit
OP’s mad cause his GF got blacked by someone who’s poor
Isaac Gonzalez
>this is what poor people think makes you rich I have a 24k watch I keep in my safety deposit box, but I don't wear it because I'm not a flashy nigger. What do you think I am, nigger rich? Guess how old I am. I also have $140k in stocks (index funds mostly), 40k left in my college fund (getting masters degree), and waiting on what will probably be $200k in inheritance when my grandparents pass away
Born into money and didnt earn any of this. And how exactly are you better than me?
Signs you're a richfag cocksucker >drives an overpriced shitmobile >absolute shit driving skills, thinks more expensive car always has right if way >when he runs into you, he will lie and say its your fault >when his AC, plumbing, electrical breaks, his pathetic /diy/ "skills" fuck it up more >swallows his pride and calls me to fix it >I now have to fix his fuck up + the original problem
Get fucked. I upcharge the shit out of faggot diyers.
>wahhhh stop having more things than me, y-you didn't earn it wahhhhh Boo hoo, poor faggot Also those things you list don't apply to me because I'm old money, not new rich nigger money. That's the true difference between being upper class. That and my breeding, prestige, education, and culture make me better than you. It's why I'm 23 and will be your boss in a couple years and all you'll do about it is cry online about how your boss is 15 years younger than you. If you aren't upper class, you just can't win. I'm so well networked that everyone loves me. And you wanna know the main reason why I'm so attractive to them? Because people like you aren't doing it. Why aren't you getting cultured? Why aren't you networking? Why aren't you developing a professional and public reputation? And you say I didn't earn anything... Grow up, get off your ass, and do something instead of being a whiney wagie cuck. I busted my ass in school. You think I can buy a degree? You think I bought my way through my CPA exams? Think again. That's why you'll always be a bottom feeder
Owen Miller
post timestamp of your watch
Thomas Howard
Reply if you have autism
Levi Foster
>everyone loves me >rich >successful but also >Jow Forums Yeah, alright. Excuse me if my grammar's not great as I am a nineteen year old Japanese girl.
Hunter Barnes
post timestamp of your watch
Easton Bailey
>muh sekret club Now that's what I call gatekeeping
Liam Phillips
People with better lives have better ways to spend them. That's an incredibly basic concept.
What are you even talking about? Are you trying to be esoteric on purpose or are you just retarded?
Forgot to reply to him earlier but just FYI I filtered that watch spammer fag
Nathan Price
Why would someone with their life together in a manner that you describe feel a need to frequent places like this? As for retardation, not when I'm a nineteen year old japanese girl. They're pretty smart.
Ayden Martin
>"Why" >a place like this (le "Jow Forums is a bad place" meme) Where else can I call Britfags faggots? Are you implying rich people have no degree of sadism? Shitposting is cathartic. In fact, why am I even explaining this to you? Why are YOU here?
Luis Long
You're implying bad as in scary when I mean bad as in shit. >Why are YOU here? Retardation. You were right all along.
Jack Green
Where do you live richanon? Do you work at all?
Caleb Rodriguez
hes a collegefag. Never worked a day in his life yet.
Jayden Powell
But most likely a larping poorfag. Hasnt posted any proof of being rich except a screenshot of someone else' bank account. Sad. Pathetic. Pitiful.
Connecticut. I'm on the board of directors of a 501(c)(3) that does international aid work. I don't do much except grant writing and website work. I'm also on a city committee but that's volunteer work. I go to school full time and volunteer at lots of things in my free time
>Post so nice he had to reply twice This one's upset What proof do you want that that's my bank account? I'll put in the most minor amount of effort but I don't give a fuck about your opinion really so if you want me to bust my ass like go to an ATM to prove it, then you can go fuck your mother
Matthew Johnson
>all these longass posts >"b-but i dont giv a fuc!"
Ok, least you could do is post a pic of your lexus/bmw/ meme brand car keys. Not even the car. Just the keys in your fucking pocket. But you cant do that because you're a poorfag posting bait.
Evan Nelson
>this complete lack of reading comprehension Idgaf lol Short enough for you?
>b-but you're baiting Then why are you responding?
Robert Torres
>tfw gets sriracha on $800 Jacket of which the only purpose was to flex on the normies >tfw gets hanged when commie revolution comes