I'm a French mulatto. AMA /pol

My mom is a white French and my dad a black from French Guyana.

AMA incels

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Is there a romantic way to fist a woman?

What the Ras is going on this thread you fucking scunt

Take a picture of your hand with a timestamp

Also fuck off to reddit. sage. Off topic thread, report, sage, hide, move on

By looking her in the eyes while doing it ?

how does it feel being half human?

Fuck off slavic mutt i'm too lazy to do it

Not so bad people often says i'm a chad and being a mulatto in France isn't that difficult.

Then fuck off to reddit

So you're saying if I look a woman in the eyes while I rape her it's romance?


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>being a mulatto in France isn't that difficult.

“We do not descend from the ape, but we are headed in that direction.” - Count Arthur de Gobineau

How much in government handouts do you get per day, and how many white women do you rape per day?

Since when fisting a woman is a rape nigger

Confirmed. He’s a nigger


user is high on coke.

I assumed so by your flag but thx anyway for confirming

Patrician choice of intoxicant, proletarian.

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Oh no not heroin addicts. The last bastion of conservatism. Heroin addiction. My gawd


An "incel" is someone who is INvoluntarily CELibate. People like this don't exist because if you're desperate enough, you can get laid from a single mother quite easily, especially if you offer to help her take care of her child. However, plenty of guys don't want that, so they're voluntarily celibate due to their high standards. Women could just spread their legs because even the ugliest women can get laid via dating websites.

If there was ever anyone to be classified as incel, it'd probably be the Elephant man, and mocking him for being an incel is in incredibly poor taste, also hes dead.

Incel really is just a term created by the left to counter the "cuck" insult.

Actually i work 12 hours each day in a retirement house in Paris as a cook and i receive litteraly 0 € from the state, and you NEET incel nigger ?

you ever cook them the food of your people; like the Idi Amin Special? Or Bokassa Surprise?

I did say it was but you said to make a fisting romantic all you have to do is look her in the eyes, ergo a rape can be romantic if eye contact is made by your logic.

>fucking a single mother
and you're the first one who had this ingenious idea? For a single mother roastie you also have to line up.

>For a single mother roastie you also have to line up.
If she had a boyfriend then she's not single is she you daft cunt.

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More like sopa de macaco.

BTW French Guyana isn't in Africa unculturated fuck

Knock your mother out & call her a dumb whore! ha

If we ever come to power you will be spared tho so dont worry! (But you'll have to use a Sperm bank to have a white kid.)

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correction: you are a nigger

Just like brazil isn't in africa right.

I lived in London ( i worked at the Novotel of Canary Wharf ) and England is far more cucked than France. Far right doesn't even exist politically so taking power is a fantasy mate.

BTW my GF is white so if i have a kid with her the kid will be white since mulatto+white = white.

don't disrespect your ancestors like that.

Do you wish your mom would have gotten pregnant by a white guy so you could be white ?

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What's the interest in being part of a dying race ?

Here's what I'd recommend you to do to help your future children, ask a close white side male family member if you could store there sperm in a sperm bank & you should get a vasectomy (Doesn't effect hard-ons)

The kid will still be your DNA & it will be completely white, winwin!

Why not have a black gf then ? I know it just happened that way for some strange reason.

casse-toi, avec ta pute-a-negres.

Did your dad abandon you and your mom ?

When we die you will soon follow in the chaos that ensues you low IQ nigger, I don't use that word often buts it applies perfectly to you.

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haha your mom got blacked

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I don't like black features but i wouldn't have any problems in dating a mulatto from French Guiana

Pic related, Alicia Aylies, Miss France 2017 and she is from French Guiana.

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Guyana is based so that's cool,
just don't act like a hood nigger and enjoy the baguette user

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Why haven’t you kys?

Bolosse !

Yeah how do you know ?!

Please user, i'm a civilized and nationalist nigger

Do you face racism in France? Are you staying pussies left and right because you're half black? Which is best place to buy fragrances in paris?

You're not in the position to call other niggers, you're a literal subhuman.
Also funny how you call others incels when the only girls you'll ever be close to are from rape. Noone but niggresses like niggers.

>white people just watch this happen

Kys mutt

Yes sometimes but it's never verbal racism or agressions but more small and perfid things like neighbors never answering when i say hello to them or employement/housing discriminations or people not sitting next to me in the subway even if it's the last sit haha.

I fuck a lot but i only fucked one white French, my current GF is half French half Algerian.

I fucked a lot of arabs girls from Maghreb and i hang out 2 years with a white Romanian girl who was in France for studies.

That's interesting and great.

I'm a fragrance collector and always wanted to visit Paris someday.
Have a nice day mixed bro.

I forgot, best places toi buy fragrances are chain stores like " Sephora " and " Marionnaud "

Their Saleswomen are crazy hot and will help you to find the perfect perfume for you or your girl

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Why do blacks ruin every place they live in large numbers? Literally every city that is black majority is crime ridden and rapidly deteriorates.

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Haha being an Italian and calling other subhumans

When i lived in London as a cook i met a lot of Italians from Naples flying their shithole to have a better lire

BTW French police could invade Italy hahaha

>White French
That's redundant

I know about Sephora, have them in my country too but I was looking something like Creed, Serge Lutens, Guerlain, Fredrick Malle, Maison Francis Kurkdjian etc.

you are a nigger, harry.

Have a nice day too mate

Well you can try to find your happiness in the Galeries Lafayette in Paris they have a lot of luxuries shop

hey Pajeet, just because it's called "Eau de Toilette" in French doesn't mean it's toilet water, you savvy?

c'est ca negro, alors que tu racoles de l'attention en ligne comme une pute.

Haha judging by your French you are either using Google translation or a Belgian/Swiss/Quebecer larping as a French

Alors d'où tu viens mon petit babtou fragile ?

plus francais que toi, banania.

I will buy you your bullet of choice for suicide my man

What is it like being sub human?

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Je parie que t'es un consanguin Québécois, c'est le " racole " qui t'as trahi haha, désolé.

Fucking poutine-eating nigger, show your flag.

nobility personified

ecoute mon negro, juste parce que tu as un vocabulaire pourri ne veut pas dire que je suis quebecois, ou belge, ou autre. Putain, va lire un bouquin, espece de macaque.

tu sais pas ce que veut dire "racoler"? Demandes-donc a ta maman, pauvre fils de pute.

How bad do you smell?

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En fait ici en France plus personne n'utilise le mot racolage sauf quand on parle d'une pute, faut peut être que vous pensiez à mettre à jour votre Français bande de consanguins

oui, et la pute ici c'est toi. alors casse-toi boucaque.
(pas la peine de faire semblant d'etre poli et de me vouvoyer, mon negro)

Not as bad as rotten british tooth

Loin de moi l'idée de vouvoyer un raté comme toi, quand je disais vous c'était pour parler de ton peuple de consanguins qui parle un créole dégueulasse de français et d'anglais, tu dois avoir un Q.I de 85 pour pas l'avoir compris.