Jow Forums

>Jow Forums
>the comfiest threads
>the best posters
>wholesome shitposting
>even rude people is nice
>american posters are 50% as opposed to other boards where they are 64%
>quality stuff

seriously how did "/b/ without porn" became the best board ever?
Is it the flags?

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lol i dunno

Because fuck you that's why

Because its /b/ without the horny underage


Attached: sandro_1.jpg (600x599, 300K)

r/banter is shit tho

my wife quote-chan... I WANT TO FUCK QUOTE-CHAN
please quote is so cute my wife quote-chan is so cute quote-chan sex quote sex with quote i'd like some more whom quote sex with quote whom quote my wife cute is so quote wife

>as opposed to other boards where they are 64%
More like 56%

>Jow Forums
Yep that’s us
>the comfiest threads
Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren’t.
>the best posters
We’ve lost many over the years but somehow we’re still going strong
>wholesome shitposting
>even rude people is nice
It was just bantah
>american posters are 50%
insert a dukepost here
>quality stuff
Occasionally we get some great stuff, but most of the time it’s just a slow shitposting train.

these are just my two cents, Jow Forums is a great board even though it’s currently at a low point.

Because for you, only the best will do.