For good luck, stare into the eyes of this woman's corpse for 10 seconds and tell us your first thought
For good luck, stare into the eyes of this woman's corpse for 10 seconds and tell us your first thought
Jason Bell
Juan Nguyen
I couldn't tell the difference.
Luke Sullivan
It would be SO sad if a nuke war broke out during the summit and one accidentally fell on Trump
Daniel Murphy
LeBron James
Matthew Cox
really, this
corpses tend to look more corpse-like
Elijah Lopez
That's because most modern women are already dead inside.
Ryan Wood
It's full of stars.
Jaxon Collins
>Drumpf BTFO
Gavin Hall
I started seeing (them) in the shadow on the left side
Andrew Reed
Kike media/Hollywood psy-ops are becoming more vile...Stare in the mental sewer that is the Jew's repulsive, insectile mind..