Asians are the worst race traitors

asians are the worst race traitors

Attached: 1.webm (1280x720, 1.93M)


>race traitors

Vocabulary only used by genetically inferior beings.
As soon as you have good genes you wouldnt complain about this, you wpuld see it as an opportunity to proagate your genes with your race while others get their offspring tainted which will make your pure offspring more valuable.

So while you little cripple with a 3inch dick sits around not getting laid you start thinking about bullshit like this.

True. I kinda feel bad. If Japan, Korea, etc. didn’t have tight immigration controls they’d be race mixed out of existence pretty quickly.

Attached: 9D2F3257-DB5C-4065-BA77-8F85C463E26D.png (611x759, 398K)

Why the fuck you think niggers make babies with pure white women?

The women becomes unintresting for members of her own race because she laid with a nigger.
Sge can not make pure offspring anymore.
The nigger goes away and she is single mom. The kid will have ducational and social disadvantage and be a subhuman.

The the nigger goes impregnate a nigger girl and raise their inferior kid together but because its a family the niggerkid will be socially advantaged to the mixed kid which will make him absolutely speakin superior even if its genetically inferior

that's because asian is just default not really a race. same way "transparent" is a color

>flips and japs

Attached: qwd.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

i haven't understand a shit nigger

Asian men generally don't treat them well or are autisutc as fuck. Meanwhile whites have the high iq, looks and civilization meme without the bug autism
