Guys, am I gay?

Am I gay for even fapping to shemales or trap porn? I mean, I'm not even fapping to it for the dick, and such. I get gross out if the shemale or trap in the video even looks so much like a man, which causes me to click off of the video.

Now you may ask "Why are you one shemale/trap videos then?" Well I'm on them because sometimes I just run out of the normal stuff, and need to find new stuff. I don't know guys, just figured I ask, given that I don't like the "manliness" of it, and I dislike the pee pee.

That's all thanks. Pic unrelated.

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There are billions of biological women in the porn world. You didnt "run out", pooftah.

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nah you sound pretty straight dude
keep jerking off to those penises

I just jerk off to Rich Evans

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I know it looks like I'm making excuses and such. But I swear I run out of stuff. I'm a man who only really likes watching Asian women, and milfs, but that's about it. Very rarely to I adventure out to other sections because they aren't really my thing. It gets kind of boring when you watch so much of 2 sections that you run into some you've already watch.

So because of that, my supply is running dry. Care to recommend me some?

I dislike pee pees so no. :^(

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i love traps, i accept bisexuality
so should you!

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if you disliked pee pees you wouldn't be jerking to people who have them
plenty of straight guys like pee pees, don't feel insecure about it

I just pretend the pee pee isn't there silly, I just imagine they have vaginas because vaginas is what I want and desire. Nothing to be insecure about, just being honest.

I don't like aids.

Yes it's gay. See the below equations for a brief explanation.

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>just being honest

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