What is Jow Forums‘s average IQ?

What is Jow Forums‘s average IQ?

Attached: 77B5F35E-1A4C-4AB3-8120-CC36B86347E1.jpg (743x1022, 174K)

probably right around there.

I thinfk what thoy yt it's yt 56 jjeews jiden jji
Hail tetlir

average, hard to say, really depends on the day and what is happening around the world to draw folks here
all in all, probably no different than any other major populations of people

Just saw a iq test for the first time: kek, you should be retarded to spend time with all that bullshit

60% below 100
20% 100-120
20% 120+

god i want to suck on her toes so bad

I wish I could drink her milky white legs

schfifty five

considering that pol has a high number of INTPs, is generally introverted, white, has foreigners who can speak english..

I would say the avg is 115-120 and 90% fall between 100 and 140

Attached: avgiqofpol.png (637x149, 9K)