Be Russian

>be Russian
>get stabbed

Attached: inconspicuous - filename.jpg (1200x1600, 344K)

more of a slash

Wait a minute didn't this happen last year?

Picture's from five years ago, just reposting for those sweet (You)'s

(most of the scar is from the following surgery but don't tell anyone)

Attached: inconspicuous filename (4).jpg (1200x888, 282K)

Makes sense my dude. Sorry you got stabbed comrade.

My brother got slashed by a knife by a psycho on drugs. He said it barely felt painful for the first minute or so, even though it was a serious cut and needed to go to hospital. Was it almost painless at first for you too?

Fuck off tranny

Yeah, at first it was more burning than anything. Then it got real bad, but when I was in the hospital waiting for a doc to take a look at me, it started subsiding again.

Hey, I get a cool scar out of it and an excuse to not do cardio. Also stitches on the lung that show up on X-ray, so that's pretty neat.

no u

Did doctor tell you you can't stress out your lungs with cardio ever again?

Not really, but I can claim he did whenever convenient. My stamina was always shit, but now I have an excuse.