Daily reminder that listening to aggressive metal music is degenerate and goes against lord Jesus Christ...

Daily reminder that listening to aggressive metal music is degenerate and goes against lord Jesus Christ. The only acceptable music to listen to is Church music, Christian rock or Abba.
Heavy metal/Industrial rock is pure filth, and the so called 'artists' are often satanists themselves who constantly bash Christianity.

Attached: pepe church.jpg (888x1120, 178K)

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I'm christian and I listen to rock, what now?

You're going to hell

[X] Doubt it, papist

Attached: Eph2.jpg (2048x1365, 211K)

degenerate, you're not welcome on Jow Forums anymore.

Dubstep is the true Christian message.

Is this thread from Jow Forums?

Attached: b58992dd9f81cd6ad97c0c808c55f2c0.jpg (376x431, 16K)

kot id

(((pagans))) have banned me from Jow Forums