Thank me later

thank me later

Attached: 1318432-1069.jpg (1280x1924, 129K)

Blocked. Most be the porn blocker I've got on.

Attached: 1551291083574.jpg (657x527, 39K)

>your parents instaled a blocker in your pc

She cute

This is so inane and pointless that I can't even commentate on it. Well done, Dr.Medic.

Now I can crab my paint and my brushes.

Attached: 1550955965802.png (840x1120, 193K)

>I can't even commentate on it
yet you still did
my point was to show very nice galery to r/banter
does female butt or vagina make you feel that way

if i click on this link i will be greeted with homoerotic content won't i?

Attached: 1543693768297.png (1000x1000, 302K)


Attached: 12249827_197798150553916_7696213587412872792_n.jpg (923x670, 64K)

No desu! I put it on myself because I'm a cronic masturbater desu!!!

Attached: 1551125339006.gif (681x524, 169K)