What were you like in HS?

were most Jow Forums posters bullied in high school? what were you like in HS?

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Yes, that's why 86% of us are now incels

I was high all the time

I didn't say a word in highschool, and i didn't do any work either, nobody knew me and i didnt know them. Go to school, sleep though classes, go home, sleep, repeat, never had a girl, never had a genuine friend, this was a large minority school though so i got natural selected by my dumb ass parents.

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played in a band, had an emo cut, fucked a lot of girls with daddy issues, myspace was the shit

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Played in bands, was funny, fucked girls, took acid, smoked weed etc. Very leftwing now Hitler has nothing on me

You're the younger me, I was high school in the 90s

All-boys christian high school

There was essentially no internet in the late 90s, I wondered why I couldn't get along with other students, couldn't deal with day-to-day BS, why I wanted nothing to do with watching pointless school athletic games as it made no difference who won, I didn't like group-think and didn't like being part of a herd..... I didn't realize at the time that I was already red-pilled by Junior Year of high school....

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I was high some of the time.

Football player, defensive line. Played guitar. Did lots of drugs, not with many girls but a few. Loved to hunt and fish.

Now it's just family, hunt and fish and work. I had my fun now it's time to enjoy life.

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I was the open gay guy who secretly sucked all the rugby players off.

i threatened to shoot up my school

HS was epic but I went to a private school

I was a National Socialist
I was extremely racist
I was extremely drug addicted
nothing has really changed

I just sat in the back of the class and looked at girls' thong slips then rushed home after school to masturbate to it.
I never talked to anyone and no one talked to me.

>t. back row middle

Straight A's advanced without trying
Large white hetero MASTER

I was the fucking prom king.

addicted to wow and crossfire

Captain of the hockey and golf team. Slayed pussy every weekend. Best years of my life.

Was quiet, kept to myself, minor bullying.

Classmates considered me eccentric, and was cool by not being cool, not quite nerd chic but close enough.

On the other hand, the 'necks looked at me funny and the nogs mostly said "you a goofy looking mug"

I was the weird kid that most people left alone because they thought I might blow up the school. Although the unstable Muslim who wore a trench coat and fingerless gloves took a lot of the heat off me.

I was considered nerdy, geeky. I played D&D with my friends at the lunch table. But I started lifting religiously in 7th grade so I was considered swoll in high school. I got off easy because nobody fucked with me. There were guys who would've kick my ass if we fought but they were afraid to fuck with me because of my size.

I occasionally defended other nerdy kids....but only if they weren't fucking faggots like OP.

I was higher end education of my class, I went to church on Sundays, I played winter and fall sports, had a strong core of male and female friends with varied interests, even a few weirdos that kept going on about something called /b/
I was pretty normie tier desu.


dropped out at 15 to become a full time neet

You are a serial killer now????

Nah I was a football playing chad lite with a QT mulatto gf. I was actually kind of a bully to be honest. My life took a serious turn, got into legal trouble, joined a cult, and some other weird things transpired. Now I’m 23 and I’m a completely different person.

Life is weird man.

Too well-liked and friendly to be bullied, too shy and introverted to be popular.

Smart enough that I didn’t have to study.. handsome enough that I got a wide variety of pussy.

I hardly tried. I think it’s called “white privilege”

no, now I just work from home and spend my money on books that I read all day.
Really only talk to people here.

>Home schooled in high school
>surfed everyday
>had a job on the beach
>went to parties
>wasn't cool but not autistic
>drank a lot
>smoked weed
>hang out with girls at the beach
>every girl I fucked in hs was ugly af but got super hot in their 20's

Not all that bad desu

I realized public school was a complete farce sometime around grade 4 when a teacher completely contradicted what another had "taught" us the previous year. I got chicken pox around the same time and never went back. Began homeschooling immediately and graduated valedictorian of my house.

A sneaky fucker who never got caught for shit.
10th/11th grade I discovered lifting and partying. High school in the south in the 90s was great

Did mulatto lure you into the cult? They will do that.

I was a functional autist that apparently said funny shit.

>almost flunked out because I didn't do any work
I'm glad I had my bros to back me the fuck up

I dropped out 3 months before graduating

I was a latino thug. Sold weed to jocks and girls. Girls would always ask for free weed, I fucked 3 popular girls and I was cucking a jock. Then I got arrested and did juvie time for a year. I berly pass high school.

Fast forward now I'm still a low life with no motivation, just want to get laid. I wish I got marry and started a family when I was young(21) but I still wanted to fuck around.

We used beat up bullies and try to get the weaklings/victims to join us after school and toughen them up so they could beat the bullies in front of the entire school. Then I was excluded and sent off to a bad boys home because I was uncontrollable. Aside from that, I was one of the smartest students and top althetes with lots of medals.

Y’all niggas postin in a data mining thread

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I was a normal high school kid, but never really 'fit in'. You can be both autistic and cool if you're not a complete faggot.

>myspace was the shit
This the only website that has ever gotten me laid. I fucked like 8 girls using Myspace. I swear Facebook payed Myspace to fuck up their website.

Started off a virgin but lost weight when I discovered Jow Forums and became a chad who redpilled at least 2 dozen normal fags.

And now it’s known that we got HS pussy... literally a crime in 2019 #meToo

The whole internet is a data mine.

Me and my buddies wore a white circular sticker on the left shoulder of our jackets. About 10 of us.
circa 1981

I was beta as fuck in grade school and got bullied a lot.

Then I got a clean slate when I went to HS since absolutely no one I knew went there. I had a great time, decided that even if I was a beta, I was gonna be the Alpha-Beta, and attempt to make friends with all sorts of different people.

By the end of my first year of HS I had made like 20 new friends, and even landed my first love. (In comparison, during grade school I only had like 2-3 people I could really count as close friends, and girls made fun of me.) Shit was cash.

The breakup and subsequent drama that unfolded within said group of friends right as HS ended however, was not so cash.

So TLDR: HS I was free to be whoever I wanted to be since I didn't know anyone from grade school, and had a fucking great time.

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>implying all of Jow Forums isn't a datamine

No I actually had to break up with the mulatto, she was very heart broken. The cult did not allow new members to be in relationships but after a while they would encourage you to date other members.

The cult was kind of based to be honest. It promoted a lot of cool ideas but there was some weird shit intertwined. Over all positive experience.

Did you become a fat disgusting slob like the rest of the people that peaked in high school did?

I have always found cults interesting.

Read TC Boyle’s “Drop City”.

I don’t think the peaking in high school trope is real. Usually winners stay winners... just my life experience.

FBI needs to know when these faggots became neets

bounced around friend groups all throughout high school, never really fit in to one group in particular

most of my "friends" were assholes who feigned liking me

in the end I was fortunate enough to get out without having to pay fealty to too many normies who probably now support trannies because its PC

My own anecdotal experience paints a different picture.

Also, during the teachers strike, we took the aluminum from the stock room for metal shop and sold it at the recycle place, during class time. The teachers aid drove.

I fought all the time due to not having anyone to confide in whether it be about girls or really anything due to my dad being very abusive and lazy. I got a mean reputation and was stupid enough to think that the type of women that liked that shit would ever care about me. It was more attention than i had ever had before, which was none, and it really reinforced some bad ways of thinking. I got out of school and fought golden gloves and even got paid for a few pro fights. Now i am in my 30s, work my ass off to own very little and life sucks. Many such cases.

I have a few friends from highschool that i sometimes hang out with. They were all the heavy metal d&d types.

I'm still in high school. I'm not popular, but I'm not a friendless loser either; I'm somewhere in the middle. I get bullied sometimes but it's not serious bullying, just like joking around and shit. I have a funny last name so that's why I get picked on sometimes.


I was barely passing most of my classes. Never went to a party and never hung out with anyone outside of school. I've a had a few close calls where I was gonna see people after school but they forgot about me.

I Was not the top chad but I was a popular dude. HS is easy as shit for naturally smart people. Was getting better grades than all the tryhard nerds while making out with the 7s and 8s and one time a 9.

Popular gang for the first couple of years.

Made friends with an alternative group, who were funnier and more intelligent, but less good-looking.

Eventually ditched the popular gang to hang with this crew.

Most of them became burnouts and "alternative" sorts, I guess you'd call them. Not the "sportsball" types, but still cool in our own right.

Later in HS a few of the chiller "popular" kids migrated to the alt-gang too, complained that the popular crew were too superficial and boring.

And when the school got a new alarm system, I left a note in the principals office, over the weekend.
It suggested they get a better system.

i did live in the US for a while so i did highschool in michigan for 3 years

i didn't make a single friend in highschool, i would just go to class, sleep, talk to people or paid attention to the important classes. All the kids there had iphones and snapchats and they would constantly look at it every hour. I never used a phone throughout highschool

I was never builled by anyone but i did have some cringe interactions due to my bad hygiene lol.

went back to canada for my senior of highschool, instantly made a friend during the first week of school, he was a tall stoner, got me curious about weed. I have never done drugs and didn't know much about it. Eventually i gave in, smoked with him months later. I didn't do good my senior year, i started to lose interest in school. I failed all my classes second semester, smoked a lot of weed with stoner buddies. I did go back to school few months ago but just dropped out since i can't be fucked anymore.

sorry for blog post lol

No. I was friendless, but if you have any sense of social queues and how people work, it's very easy to not get bullied.
I just don't like talking to people, I'd rather sit and think to myself. It's not that I'm too afraid to speak my mind, it's that I just don't give a shit about needing to fit in by making small talk or talking in general. This stuff comes naturally to people I think, and I'm just not gifted with it. I'm smart but my processing speed is just average, which is why I like Jow Forums, because I get as much time as I want to reply to people. When don't take my meds (aka I'm dumber and lazier but more spontaneous and creative), I'll talk to people a whole lot more, because I'm basically drunk.

Protip: People fucking with you is often an indication that they either like you or they are jealous of you. I wish i realized this sooner.

Spent the majority of my high school in a black foster home, medicated to my eyeballs and getting ambushed by niggers. Learned never to linger in open spaces for long. In school, I did my work, fought cholos for my food, and drew. Sucked at drawing, good at writing, but I hate the arts, so it was for the best. Lost my little sister when I was sixteen, and that fucked me up for a while. Barely escaped the system, with a few scars to remember the time.

What's ironic is that I have always enjoyed talking to the people who would rather sit to themselves and think. If you can get a conversation out of them they are remarkably insightful.

Go figure.

I was just a punk, hacker, and skater back in the 90’s that just wanted to see the world burn. Now I do IT for the Feds and make pretty good money. Funny how life turns out

A loner. I hadnt gone on Jow Forums yet but i was really into memes and computers. I had chad friends that liked me who I'd hang with occasionally, just not at school. I was just ugly, shy and really awkward around girls

I was a pretty big pothead who really hated school because I thought it was very controlling.
I basically skated through my classes and did quite well in college. My teachers hated me because:
1. They were all bluepilled in a lib city and I would question that
2. I never did homework but passed the classes because I could test well
Basically I would find out the scoring criteria and do the absolute minimum assignments to pass. It never even mattered, literally no one cares about HS grades.
Some people liked me a lot, some people didn't, a lot of them just didn't care and I didn't either. Like I said before, HS only matters when you're in HS.

I was bullied a bit in 6th grade but never in high school. High school I was basically a complete nonentity, floated under the radar except when teachers would yell at me for falling asleep, completely forgettable in every way. Basically the same way I am now 12 years later except I get enough sleep.

Went to Catholic school. Pretty athletic and smart but didn't apply myself. Still had decent grades. Kind of edgy but mostly minded my business and had a smaller group of friends. The school itself was pretty cliquey so I stuck with the other middle class guys.

Graduated in 2017 so I'm an older zoomer. I was friends with a lot of different people. Jocky friends, nerdy friends, weird friends, and just normal friends. 95% of my friends were white and the remaining were either pajeets or ching changs. Never hung around blacks or mexicans. I was bullied pretty bad in 6th and 7th grade, but it wasn't at school. It was on my soccer team. I was too old to play with people in my grade (missed the cutoff by like 14 days) so they put me on a team with people in the grade above mine; keep in mind this was one of those traveling teams or whatever so the vast majority of people were white because mexicans couldn't afford it. I was pushed around a lot and I wasn't as good as the other kids. I spent most of my time on the bench. My coach thought I was shit too. I'm grateful for the experience actually because it toughened me up. Played varsity soccer my junior and senior year and was awarded mvp my senior year. Feels good man.

I miss some aspects of high school, but then again I'm so fucking glad I'm done with that shit.

I might check it out this dude on who was in the same cult as me in the 90s made a documentary about it with former members called “The Group” it’s on YT but that guy is a pussy desu and blew it way out of proportion... wouldn’t be surprised if there’s other group members on here lurking around.

I passed a normalfag for the most part until my junior year, at which point I was completely a weirdo and i was diagnosed with schizoaffective then
I exclusively socialized with the art people, who were instrumental in allowing me to see the degeneracy pushed by the left. Also responsible for my tomboy/alt-girl preference, but goddamn they were crazier than me by a long fucking shot

You must be 18 to post here. Skedaddle chump

I poured piss over somebody's locker. Pretty autistic desu

>going to high school

Bitch I started college at 13. Only reason I went to high school was to attend band, because I was a damn fine saxophonist. I had my AA by the time I was 16, then had a nervous breakdown in college, and now here I am browsing Jow Forums in my underwear on a boat, with easily two lifetime's worth of experiences under my belt.

Pretty chad, played JV and Vars football. Hung out with the rest of the team all the time, pussy wasn’t really that hard to come across, also congregated with likeminded redpilled kids, nerds and chads alike.
>pic related

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advanced classes accross the board.
state record 100yd dash
most-likely-to-succeed freshman and senior year
bass guitar in school jazz band
so many science fair wins

I was the class clown and a pussy. My school was full of total assholes so they bullied the funny man. I took it for many years. Until my Junior year when I realized I was just as tall as the tallest person in the school. Then I started working out. I got strong and big. I then realized I was the most muscular dude in the school.
I then started slamming peoples heads into lockers who fucked with me. I folded one cocksucker into the shape of a pretzel and nearly broke his back. I got in the face of every son of a bitch who ever so much as looked at me wrong. I fucked the popular kid's girlfriend.
And I fucking hated everyone. By Senior year I was the most popular kid in high school because I was the biggest single asshole in it.
I had kind of joined them without meaning to.
But I never stopped being mean to everyone there.

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I didn’t bathe, dressed like shit, didn’t have any friends, didn’t do any work and dropped out

I was class of 2012 and we all literally thought the world was going to end so the degeneracy we partook in was yolo tier

>graduated in 2017
>most people graduate high school at 18
>2 years ago
>making me 19 or 20

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I was the school drug dealer

Had a great time. Plenty of friends, long term girlfriends, hook ups, parties, got decent grades, was a nice neighborhood, like 95% white. Was great desu. Was the perfect blend of having everything I wanted with no real responsibility. Once I got a car my life got exponentially better.

Literally a Soviet propaganda diagnosis to throw dissidents in asylums, senpai. Enjoy you slow schizophrenia

I was fucking fabulous

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Same, but I had a Xanga my nigga. Xanga was the one before Myspace.

i was your typical cool kid; keg parties on weekends, smoking weed before class, having sex with the hottest girls in class, etc.

Life was so much better back then. Sure I was ignorant to the JQ, and didn't hate niggers as much, but damn was life good.

In my next life i hope i remain a blue pilled normie jock forever

>tfw no stories about limewire sluts

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I dropped out of high school, and spent 15-20ish as a rowdy party nerd, getting drunk and banging sluts at anime conventions.

Good times, I really miss those days sometimes.

Smoking ciggies and blazed all the time, getting into trouble alot, class clown but somehow still passing.

You can use limewire for something besides warez software and 90's/y2k porn?

It's like the people who bully us don't understand that if you treat us like monsters, don't be surprised when we become one simply to survive.

Kazaa was better

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Got high and fucked half the time. Was pretty good

I highly doubt that much of this board is incel.