Are Undead the Aryans/Nazis/NEETs?

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The lesser races must be purged from the kingdom

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Stormwind has a wall.
Are they racist bigots? Or maybe Stormwind is Israel top kek.

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Sylvannis and Kael'Thas are traitors to the Alliance for joining the horde

I say fuck them both, they shouldve been swallowed by the Scourge like the soulless knife ears they are

Based, For the Alliance!

FPBP all the others need to be purged.

I feel as though Horde is obviously niggers, but I dont feel as though White people are Humans.
White people are either Night Elves, Undead or Kul Tirans (Anglo Saxons).
The reason I feel like The Undead are the Aryans/Nazis is because they were betrayed by the Humans(pozzed liberal ZOG slaves aka Ameritards and Eurotards).
Undead are given an even better situation because they have been absorbed into the Horde (shitskins) whereas the modern Nazis aka Undead cannot stand to ally themselves with the Horde (shitskins) and therefor must fight on their own.
To me all the Aryan NEETs surviving in places like America and South Africa and Germany and England etc are all the Forsaken/Undead and forced to fight for their existence or die out.

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Checked and you are overthinking it.

Reminder he dies because he trusted an (undead) elf to fulfill their end of athe bargain.

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This guy I posted a video of in the OP also has this video called:
>Garrosh did nothing wrong
You think hes secretly redpilled?

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The humans turned on the elves for associating with foreign powers during a time of crisis. If the elves had simply built their own boats to attack the Scourge instead of enlisting the help of the Naga they literally wouldnt have been thrown into the dungeons of Daleran

Old Alliance only. Nu alliance is a hippy commune.

>I feel as though Horde is obviously niggers
Garrosh's only detriment, otherwise he's the most based character in the series.

I just wanted to discuss the analogy of the races in WoW compared to the modern world race relations.
Its kind of hard to compare because a lot of the races don't make any sense if you use the real teams, but I definitely feel like Orcs are Niggers.
Another thing I noticed is that Western Plaguelands and Tirisfal Glades really reminds me of The Netherlands. Interesting when you notice the real world analogies they use with the Plagues/Scourge and all the mushrooms, and add onto that all the siege vehicles with toxic sludge catapults etc.
Most people don't realize stuff like this actually happened in history.
A lot of the game uses references to real world events and real world dieties for example.
There is a world boss in Arathi literally named 'Moloch'.
Clearly someone in charge at Blizzard is either a jew or redpilled.

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Dude you know whats so funny lmao
In one of the world quest dialog cutscenes from the Tortollans the elder Tortollan says something along the lines of:
>I believe we should trade with all races.... except for the Naga...
Dude so fucking jokes lmao

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>Not the obviously superior Warcraft 2-Frozen Throne
Why did you fall for the Nu Blizzard goyim?


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>I just wanted to discuss the analogy of the races in WoW compared to the modern world race relations.
I understand that but it's kind of a moot point. They retcon lore and mish mash different culture point all the time so its hard to compare it directly to IRL cultures. Like for Jews you can say they resemble greedy goblins, but also the moses aspect of Draenei exiles and same time there is analogies to them and dwarves, especially Tolkien dwarves. If you believe mythos you can compare them to vampires and to some extent even burning legion. Problem it none of this does lead anywhere, so it's best IMO only to compare races at face value, if even that.

I don't know why I play WoW mostly I just enjoy playing BGs for the nostalgia.
Otherwise the game is super pozzed, most people are terrible at even simple PVE content not to mention Alliance sucks so bad at PVP.
Also I am perma muted from Trade Chat cuz I literally just say what I want and tell all the fags and niggers to shut up and I'm on my 3rd-4th mute from Blizzard, this one lasting 30 days until I get my silenced account removed and can talk in chat again LMAO.
Fuck I hate people dude everyone is such a snowflake.

Play the older games, theres a lot more passion and good stories in em than in WoW. When they released the MMO Blizzard began the slow downfall because of greed. Warcraft 2 through Frozen throne were their golden years

>Like for Jews you can say they resemble greedy goblins
They have a king literally called
>Trade Prince Gallywix
Also if you get wiped on Opulence in BOD the Boss or something not sure who it is says a few ultra jewy dialog lines in a super kosher yiddish accent, he even mentions golems.

I can't remember exactly what the dialog line is but if you wipe on Opulence pay attention it goes something like this, try to imagine it with a super nasaly jew accent:
>Who's a good golden Golem, you are!
>Who's a good boy?I am going to take good care of you...
Ultra faggoty rich jewish tier references, not to mention Opulence is literally a giant pile of Gold.

The game literally has a race of white people in it and you ask this.

I refuse to call myself a Human.
Kul Tiran makes more sense.
Undead arguable makes even more sense if you watch the video and just replace "Undead" with "Aryans/Nazis" everytime its mentioned.

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Always loved him in WC3. Shame WoW was such a disappointment to the series lore. Best thing to come from it was the porn.

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>Playing World of Warcraft
>Compares the shittest War Chief to Nazi
>Thinks it's cool
If you weren't a leaf, I would insult you, but you being alive is the biggest insult there is.

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t. owns guns and doesnt point them at jews

I've said enough.

>biggest insult there is.
Wew lad.

Imagine playing this infantile panda faggot bullshit in the current year?

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Playing any videogames is bluepilled.
Not really in a position to elevate yourself just because your bias guided you to selecting a differing game.
Even browsing Jow Forums isn't redpilled assuming you think so.
Anything less than gassing kikes and a racewar is cucked and baseded.
But dont worry I know you betaboys aren't up for a little racial violence so make sure to wash your penis and watch another 20 youtube videos today like a good goyim.

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>he doesn't have youtube streaming 24/7
Rookie numbers.

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>watching clickbait garbage e-celeb videos on non-issue topics
>not watching 1990s and 1980s documentary reruns that are 2hrs long
>not watching history lectures on Biblical topics/ancient wars that are 1-3hr long

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The entire redpill-bluepill dichotomy itself needs to be rejected. It comes from and legitimises the Matrix movie (glorifying a basically Antichrist figure Thomas ANDERSON) made by transsexuals (weren't at the time, but are now).

Dwarves are whites

Its not a bad metaphor..
Don't forget there is also the purple pill, the blackpill, the whitepill etc etc etc.
Ultimately limiting yourself to analogies is very immaterial and indecisive in matters of importance.
While important for normies, metaphors and analogies can actually be harmful and slow, like you stated with the Matrix.

Dwarves are obviously Scottish people. Kul Tirans are obviously Anglos.
My argument is Nazis are Undead.

Garithos was right.

Oy vey us forsaken are victims of the alliance 400000000p million dead at the hands of the fascist alliance.

Good manling

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Nah man we already established that Goblins are the jews.

>Nu alliance is a hippy commune.
>Humans and Worgen are now bent on reclaiming lands lost to the Undead
>N. Elves became Wood Elves from Warhammer and genocide any horde nigger that steps in their woods
>Velen became sick of being good a christcuck and Draenei now are basically crusaders
>Along with Lightforged who are even more zealous
>Dark Iron dwarves joined the alliance and will genocide any knife ears that steps on their mountain
fuck Void Elves tho, bunch of degenerate knife ears

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Stopped giving a shit after Wrath lore-wise.
>Undead - ruled by emo psycho cunt who's "stronk womyn". a "race" of emo bitches.
>orcs = niggers that much is pretty clear
>trolls = ultra jamaican niggers
>blood elves = degenerate, vapid, narcisistic, junky cunts
>tauren = indians - the feather not the dot kind
The horde is and has always been cucked.
I won't even start on the Thrall, green pickle jesus shit.
>humans were all right up until "anduin - slam my boi pussy pls" took over
>dwarves - irish, don't give a fuck.
>gnomes - an abomination and only mentally deficient people play them
>night elves - stronk womyn tyrande save all. emo boy illidan friendzoned for 10.000 years. malfurion - lazy deus ex cunt
>worgen - werewolves in wow lolno
I won't even address the kung fu, alcoholic pandas.
As for lore - much like in Game of Thrones, males have taken a back seat to "stronk womyn" sylvanas, jaina, tyrande, even the dark iron dwarves are ruled by a black skinned cunt.
So yeah.
Going into the lore after WotlK is just an interminable shit-shoot of retconning and dumbing down.

The absolute state of Jow Forumsddit

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