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back for more shitposting I see
had a good night's rest buddy

back to your general

You faggots are so triggered by kpop that this will never cease to be funny

shift click to hide
your efforts are weak

>go back to your general

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>Fake plastic whores
Shit-tier taste.

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i thought neets were welcomed here

Your trolling is so low-effort that not even Duke is here to tell you to blow it out the ass. How do you manage to hit that level of low quality posting? Is that what it’s like on ?
Go back there already, really, why do you need to come to Jow Forums?

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Your trolling is so low-effort that I had to take time out of my busy autistic neet schedule to complain about it.

"I'm not triggered"
Yet here we are

This is now a frog thread.

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You signed up for this abuse. Welcome to Jow Forums bitch.

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damn russian altright frog bots

Not a bot. Just someone who isn't putting up with your shitty attempt to force fake plastic whores on to Jow Forums

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looks like the altright won't leave us alone

Everything I don't like is the alt right

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>unironically using the term alt right

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drop your proxies, russians

Libtard detected.

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tell putin to call this shit off right now. rpop won't make it anywhere

Kek almighty, /trash/ posters sure are dense.

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>altright russian discord tranny bots won't stop bullying us
F U C K!

FSF wouldn't get sarcasm if it came in burger form
the absolute state

you're gonna have to lay it on thicker my man we dealing in quadruple chromosomes here on Jow Forums
give it a few minutes he's gonna hit you with the ol' pretending to be retarded

ID is the only good thing about these threads

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