
They never will learn will they?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>be me
>not insecure about my height
these insecure manlets are a disgrace to us normal manlets

Seriously what the fuck am I look at? Spoopy

I remember when u2 first hit the music scene, they were a Bible music group... you could only get the cd in Christian book stores.

manlet here. havent worked out in a month. i eat 1900 calories a day tops.
you mad lanklet?

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Bono is a huge fan of Kenneth Anger
the more you know

lol no. no one cares if you're short

>take your son to work day

Those are creepers and they are a bad ass brand of shoes.

a midget fooling himself.

Tall people can eat much more junk and maintain a better body than that due to their enormous mass difference

How does he have 4 legs?
Pretty cool

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>tfw 6’2

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Itt fags with no style. Leave the house sometime.

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bono is 5'9

Some of them do learn eventually.

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Manlet cope

Yeah, I was going to say that these are creepers. You can tell by the buckle and soles.


>t. 5ft7 coper with a rope

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>tfw 5'7

Manlets concocting a ruse is all I see here

Each manlet dominates a slightly shorter manlet into hanging around with him to make him seem taller, This trend echoes as the shorter manlet will pick an even shorter manlet and so on. There is a notorious dwarf in leeds called john carries around a toddler just to make himself seem taller, we all call him longjohn and throw conkers at him

>creepers you just happen to wear on every occasion

imagine being that insecure. well he is like 5ft6, don't blame.him poor guy. all that money and still a insecure Manlet coper

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>being a bottom homosexual

How degenerate.

guess he learned

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Well those shoes are trash. No style like the creepers. With creepers you're making a bold statement about fashion. You're blending your dad's old loafers with punk rock soles. If you wear them to be taller you're a fucking fag

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They never learn do they?

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Okay what the fuck there's no excuse for this shit

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ey wiseguy
makin fun of my shoes, eh?
well im gonna go fuck another nigger and make some little niglets
whos laughing now bozo?

neck stretching exercises

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No way someone would unironically wear these. This has to be a Hollywood joke.

my cock is wider then your chest.

>a man wearing wedges

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>hollyjew is overrun with manlets
I was 6'2" when I was 14 years old AHAHAHAHAH

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fuckin lel

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Bono has uneven legs you retard. The left shoe has a thicker sole than the right to correct it. It's not an insole just for height.
Sucks that an uneven legged ugly twat manlet achieved 10000x more in life than your miserable dumbass

>damage control

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Trannies a have hip problems and need to even out their steps with special shoes


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They never learn.

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You don't know shit about fashion. Defend the fashion don't just make shit up you nigger breathed faggot


That has to be a joke. No way that's 5'7"

to be fair she has giant ass heels on and they would be about the same height if they both had flats. not many photographers take pictures of the full body so I can see why he wouldn't wan't to be mogged in photos because she wanted nice shoes

Lol so do I and i don't wear that shit
I just hovel around
where the streets have no name

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Stop tranny posting

>Bono's legs uneven
So if Bono takes his shoes off does he walk in circles?

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no way thats real

Looks like a fucking clown costume

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Looks like old school RDJ, just ripped off his ass

holy shit is he really standing up on his toes

bono is worse than hillary clinton.

At first i thought it was women, then i thought ot was the left, THEN i thought it was the JEWS, but now i know it''s the manlets.

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Paltrow is a fucking man

Movie magic

There's only one way

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thanks lads, best thread

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So THAT'S how it works. WTF

How to we meme the MQ to the masses?

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I'd rather just be short than be short with fucking clown shoes on. Do they think that no one notices those clodhoppers?

He's not even short, honestly these guys are fucking retarded, they make millions and they can fuck almost anyone and they are still insecure about themselves.

>when bongs try to fake a news headline but can't convert from meters to feet properly

>havent worked out ever
fixed that for you
joking aside, I'm skinny like that too, me no gusta

6’2” master race here. I’m dying laughing at the manlets. Great thread.

Their (((friends))) in promotional media tend to make sure you never see this kinds of shots.

>this brand of lifts for manlets is BAD ASS

no, you show you're an obvious insecure manlet. These aren't fashion statement (whatever that supposed to mean). If you want to be non obvious about it and if you're really care like the beta you are, you should wear under heel inserts

Got to feel sorry for small men. We all have our problems but being

Wat? Im watching Lobster right now

Reminder you can only push us around for so long.

at least this shit is not as obvious. I wouldn't notice desu

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Is that an inverted pentagram on the front?

>Okay what the fuck there's no excuse for this shit
Yes there is, I'm pretty sure he was filming.

Phil Collins?

Not even a close to the talent of Phil Collins. Phil is the man.

Notice it’s always the scrawny as fuck ones that wear these monstrosities

Speak up, I can't hear you from down there

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My man!

You sure about that?

>. You're blending your dad's old loafers with punk rock soles

keep telling yourself that, pipsqueek

Dude Brits use imperial. The government says we use metric, but we don't. Even our road signs are in mph, and our fuel prices are in pounds per gallon. Height is measured in feet and inches, weight in pounds and stones, liquid in pints and gallons. I'd say temperature is the only measurement where Brits use metric, although even then most older folk have to convert to imperial.

when hes 5 literal "feet" tall

Just get the fucking surgery. Stop with the pumps.


Senor Tippy toes.