Mfw Ashleyfag tried to undermine me when I was fighting for the board.
>Truly butthurt.
Mfw Ashleyfag tried to undermine me when I was fighting for the board
Who the flying fuck are you
shut the fuck up nigger monkey
board drama is cancer
Let you guess on that one Stephan.
why are all you little fags so obsessed with being relevant on an anonymous australian shitshoveling board
goddamnit fsf you are the biggest twat get your fucking ego sorted mate
The attentionwhoring itself.
He isn’t even here yet you’re making threads about him. Seems like he is winning over you
You wa shock.
The samefaggening.
As long as I have enemies I'll not take any advice from you. Noted.
Ashleyfag is an IMP!
check these dubs!
got kik?
its all good someone like me alpha as fuck will come along and nut on her face
Well, chunky. One chunk only, but still.
hey that aint moldova man
Based AshleyFag living in heads rentfree