I wanna bf

I wanna bf

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go get one, how hard can that be?

Pro tip: you can't
We have only gf (gay friends) here.

I'll be your bf.

Gook starts with G because you're Gay
Fucking homo jap faggot

do you wanna be my bf please

I don't care. sneed

>t. chang xing zanghu

sure, but only if you're capable to explain why would you pick someone like me


t. Anusfinger
t.t.t t t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t t

that's kinda gaei

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Go out side then

I want a gf, wanna join me in my second day of retribution?

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no u

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How much ink is to much ink?

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Hey /b/ros help me find the origin of this pic

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Fuck off sperglord

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you are buttmad

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found the american.

Attached: 1032.jpg (484x357, 37K)