Italy fucking sucks

Italy fucking sucks.

I've been staying here a while and it's terrible. Everyone seems to act sub 90 iq. No one works. Cops let tourists do what ever they want. Climb in ancient shit who cares. All the cops are dirty, dirtier than their cities with trash everywhere. Everything is a tourist trap. Literally everything. They never give you explanations for anything. They just mumble broken English, spanish, or French ans get visibly upset when you cannot understand them. Again. everyone is fucking LAZY. on their phones playing games when they should working. Literally entering the vatican museum to see amazing pieces and the ticket lady was playing games on her phone.

I always had beautiful visions of Rome hearing tales of Roman empire. I guess all the rats survived while the brave latins died. Seems every war leaders just betray their brave soldiers and the rats stay home to breed.

One day I hope to displace the "italian" people and make them wonder the desert for 80 years ans become a tribe of scheming Italians. They already act like jews qhy not displace the ETERNAL ITALIAN.

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No shit, pizza niggers behave like pizza niggers. But muh sweden and nordcucks bad.

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Of what 'italians' are you talking about ? 'italians' do not exist. Stop using this meaningless category.

What you are describing is just the demographical taking over of 'italy' by the Siculo-neapolitans after WWII.

'italy' is a disgenical judeomasonic project aimed to genocide Lombards and Tuscans and substitute them with non-whites and with that the aborted version of Jews that are the Siculo-neapolitans.

Attached: siculo-neapolitans-vs-latinos-math.jpg (1024x520, 80K)

This. Based and nietzscheanpilled.

Typical Siculo-neapolitan phenotype.

If you go to dystopian and post-human places like Milan you will find them literally everywhere. Ethnical Lombards are probably 10% there, maximum.

'italy' is just the brand of the project for genociding white Lombards, replacing them with this population of half-jews, low IQ, semitic mestizos.

Attached: siculo-neapolitan-vs-lombard.png (852x475, 857K)

Italy is kinda disgusting yeah. I always find it funny how americans put Venice to the pedestal. It’s like a 2 hour drive for me, and if it weren’t for some interesting art exhibitions I went for, I would never go there more than once.

Nietzsche would have hated the mongrelization of this nation. Rich cities under italian monarchies were places of high culture and civilization, with the risorgimento all this culture was flushed down the toilet through mongrelization with the plebs.

It smells so fucking much as well. They literally pour sewer filth into the canals, imagine the small during summer.

>state employee

Yeah and Mark’s square is full of either pidgeons and their shit, or it’s flooded. Itms basically sewers. And it’s fucking disgusting.
Italians are also the worst tourists. I’m an alpine creature and whenever I go for a hike the only loud, obnoxious, trash leaving in the nature creature is Italian. Our mayor of Bled even gave a suggestion to ban italians from tourism here, it’s that bad. Obviously leftist screeched racism so it never went through.
Imagine bordering Italy. Life is hell.


but we wuz romanz an shieet

Venice is an open sky sewer. But we cannot do anything about that. We have to 'help the south' you know, at a rate of 100 billion per year (the GDP of Hungary).

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There’s not a single Italian that can objectively say anything bad about us. Our culture is introvertive, quiet, and cultured. Our cleanliness is top notch, comparable to Switzerland. If you’re italian and you’ve been here, you’d know that.
It’s not just venice though. Yes, your alpine region is nice and I go there relatively frequently. But most (not all) of your country is really not that great.

Every single time I browse Jow Forums I read this excuse from "northerners". I suspect you're just as lazy and useless as the rest of your country but you really love finding scapegoats. Can it be?

And now time for a reality check.

Italy is one of the best countries on earth to visit. Aside from my country, no other country on earth is as relevant in terms of natural beauty per square kilometer, cuisine, art-de-vivre, fashion and Mediterranean heritage (they have more than France of that last one)

If you manage to have a bad experience in Italy, I'm afraid the problem is that YOU are a shit tourist.

>it’s your problem if you find trash on the streets problematic
Sorry, not all of us are immigrants from northern africa

Imagine having a country so pathetic it lost badly against italy in war

Anyway southern kraut, you should be more worried about Vienna than Italy. I hear there nowadays "haram" is more used than "verboten"

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If you dont like it here you can alwats get the fuck out instead of this low dividi et impera

>caring about trash on the street so much
I'm sorry did someone ask you to live there ? did someone force you at gunpoint to stay in Naples? Refer to my point of being a s*** tourist

What war? The one where you had Prussians and French do all the hard work?
Or the one where you sent hundreds of thousands to their deaths in like 20 battles of the isonzo river and in the end got some useless scraps of land?
Which one Luigi?

Have you ever won any war other than where you "saved" "Europe" (read: Vienna) from the roaches

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it's over

yeah, we saved Europe from communism remember?
Singlehandedly I might add since krauts were helping their beloved commie bretheren and stopped all munition transports.

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You can’t be serious...caring about trash on the streets? Dude. This is Europe, not your home country Algeria. We value order and cleanliness.

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>saved Europe from communism
>while simultaneously becoming Soviet slaves for 45 years
Yeah nah bud
Trotsky didn't care enough

>implying Italians weren't conquered by the Moors
>implying the Moors didn't rape the women
>implying most modern Italians aren't niggers


btw I'm a girl

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>We value order and cleanliness.
You are the budget tier Germans from cheap slavic lands

Who do we have to thank for that? Oh yeah, Jow Forumss beloved meme hero Hitler.
I wouldn't expect Aquafresh, a country which surrendered in 4 fucking days, to know any better.

italy is based

and i am in now way italian, being a germano/slav myself

Attached: make italy great again.jpg (373x500, 75K)

>One day I hope to displace the "italian" people and make them wonder the desert for 80 years ans become a tribe of scheming Italians.
that is cool and all, but you will replace them with who? Nordcucks?

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No Ahmed, YOU’RE the budget tier germans.

>you are filled with 10+ million Siculo-neapolitans+5 million other rest-of-the-world invaders while your people is barely 12-13 million
>you are taxed 70% and plundered every year of 100 billion euros
>you are called racist by the Judeo-siculo-neapolitan media for reasons
You are making exscuses

Attached: united-and-not-divided-with-siculo-neapolitans.jpg (920x609, 41K)

the hell is habbening to his face

Stable keeper delusions.

>btw i'm a girl
post elbows

That's what they get for slaughtering 500,000 Jews in Judea and destroying the temple. They have more African immigrants than Germany and more Libyans than France.
They were always brute, shit people with a culture of destruction. Mongols who speak Latin.

Good riddance if you ask me, their crimes cannot go unpunished.

why are Italians crying about Italy ITT?

too many niggers or something?

please answer honestly

a true modern italian masterpiece

Italy is fine fuck off stop crying

Miscegenation permanently destroys Empires

They NEVER recover

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Imagine your people be so shit that you have to migrate to fucking italy for a better life. Tough shit Tonibler.

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>There’s not a single Italian that can objectively say anything bad about us. Our culture is introvertive, quiet, and cultured. Our cleanliness is top notch, comparable to Switzerland. If you’re italian and you’ve been here, you’d know that.
Stop smuggling drugs and illegal immigrants and then we can talk

There are some aspects of the Catholic church I adore, but they have become far too weak in their love for immigrants and the mentally retarded

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'italians' ? You meant Siculo-neapolitans, I hope.
Genetics never lie. Anyway the middle eastern look of the Siculo-neapolitans comes from the Jews, not necessarly from the Arabs.

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says the Jew, you are literally a plague on this planet

Lombards ruined rome.

Most Italians like living there, some leave for better works but would like to come back.. and the niggers are way less then any other part of Europe. I travelled a lot but Italy is unmatched

The main reason is honestly your own homosexuality. If you just stopped other men in the ass I bet thinks would quickly improve

post Codice di Avviamento Postale

where are you from nigger?..

There has not been a single Slovenian involved in human trafficking or drugs smuggling. No idea what you’re on about.
>inb4 he posts some albanian or serbian doing this and saying it’s us


explain this video, wtf is going on????

should we pay reparations?

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t. Albonigger parasite

Shieeeet I'm 34170 wanna meet up and have white babies?

then what are you pasta niggers bitching about ITT?

These are all interesting and valid arguments.

There is anyway little trace of this misgenation in modern genetical maps, even among Siculo-neapolitans (zero trace for Lombards).

I am really curious instead about the reason Siculo-neapolitan and Jewish genoma overlaps in such an astonishing way. Up to now I could not find a real historical explanation of that.

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i want to masturbate to elbows

Looks like his skull collapsed and his breathing is inflating his face like a baloon

No idea how tf it happened though

Does your memeflag also come from Jews? Since you appear to love talking shit about countries.

Carthegian settlements in sicily

Yes. Compounding from 70 CE you owe us trillions.

I’m like half Italian and I have to say... degeneracy is in the genes. But we’re not subhuman like some other tribes. Just sleezy.

You are American aren't you? Fuck you back to your muttland you fuckin nigger

nothing, only the special kids on Jow Forums complain that much

We would be better than switzerland without southerns dragging us down.

>I wouldn't expect Aquafresh, a country which surrendered in 4 fucking days, to know any better.

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we are already better then Switzerland.. the south problem is only mafia and corruption, too widespread near a point of no return.. the money you sent there simply vanish

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Yep, that's definitely air inflating the sinus area.

>we are already better then Switzerland..
next year VAT will be 25% or more

100% true. Independence from the judeomasonic and Siculo-neapolitan state called 'italy' is the only solution.

A massive repatriation program for the invaders shall follow. 'Algeria 1962' is an everlasting example of how a mass permanent expulsion of colonists of settlement can happen in literally weeks.
It will be so fast to kick them out your head will spin.

Attached: Padania.jpg (397x276, 32K)

He trusted Trump

Rome: Total War ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

nice Babylonian Pharoah flag

but kicking the Jews out = based

such as who? the Catholic Church?

Rome belongs to true Italians, not Arab mutts and crypto Jews

how many gorillions of shekels exactly
be more specific

>catholic church

You are wrong the problem of the Siculo-neapolitans is the Siculo-neapolitans themselves.

The only solution for them would be mass eugenetics to allow only the whiter and more intelligent among them to reproduce. Then in few generations you would have something comparable with the rest of Europe. But all of this belongs to science fiction.

Lombards must liberate themselves to this low IQ, half jewish population or their extinction is guaranteed.

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what other part of Southern Italy would fit the bill for "Judeomasonic"??

t. the retards who live in a swamp and were totally cucked by spain, france and germany and hopefully are going to be under the sea by 2030 due to global warming.

the West is facing a permanent decline and destruction. the IQ keeps dropping. the Catholic Church enables this by helping turn the world into a nigger cattle feed lot. it is even crime to yell at the poor nigger drug dealers in Rome now.

the entire West will come to resemble something of Brazil. Europe is included in this within the next 20-40 years. the quality will never be what it was again. the lower the IQ goes, the more the immigration will continue until it is complete open borders with Africa. but hey, who cares because they're "Catholics" too, right?

>what is shitposting

Man, you did not get it.

In 1962 1.5 million French were expelled from Algeria in 2 weeks with all their properties confiscated.

This is the precedent for the future expulsion of non-whites from Europe.
It demonstrates that it is logistically and politically feasable. You just have to create the right state of mind and everything unfolds naturally and quickly.

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Hi Machiavelli? Gonna bitch about the papacy again today?

people were different back then

the levels of immigration are unprecedented. as is the level of miscegenation which has already occurred. I'm not speaking of just Italy. all of Europe.

if this was never wanted by our Elites it would have never occurred to begin with. you are living in a fantasy and this is the future whether we like it or not.

French where 15% of the Algerian population at the time. And needless to say, they were the cadres of society, the race that made Algeria function almost like a European country.
Yet they were mass expelled and their presence for 130 years in Algeria has left practically no trace.

If you control a state (that is the pre-condition) you can fix the demographical situation very easily and in no time. That is the white pill in our struggle. Winning is not only possible, it is easy. The whole point for the Jews is concealing how easy and quick the solution is.

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the power dynamic is changing. Israel will become more powerful and carve out a city state or two for themselves in the US as they've already done.

you know Jews still have enormous influence in SA? they didn't leave, even with whites 10% of the population. they still are meddling in affairs. why do you think it will be any different anywhere else?

nothing short of the Fourth Reich can save us now

Italy sucked WWII, Hitler had to help and support you cowards in every single point in apefrica despite being near to mare nostro than the allies or germany. Fucking useless and pathetic. Italy WWI was like a vulture picking some flesh of the rotten corpse of austria-hungary. Great "performance".

The people who made Rome great died all out around 200 A.D.
The people who came after that and managed to do something were again germanic races like the lombards.
Everyone else in italy is the decendent of some urban pleb waiting for handouts or some blacked negroid mongrol.
Italy is the assend of europe. The boot that can't stop stepping in shit.

wow, this is so much like poland
>no one works
>in big cities tourists act like idiots
>in small cities natives act like idiots
like come on man, if we all put some extra effort this country could be big

cuntaroni and cheese

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make me a sammich

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I know I'll end up like this

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Well at LEAST you guys are eatin pizza on a boat in VENICE

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