ABG Achtung! Bleachkrieg! General

It's every Aryan man's duty to improve the lesser races by bleaching their genes.

Female niggers, kikes, poos, dune coons, and chinks are not only craving bleach, but seeking it in order to cuck their husbands with genetically superior white offspring.

Studies show that in all cultures light skin = higher beauty. So it's logical that these women want white sperm.

Remember the Bleachkrieg rules:

Impregnate as many subhumans as possible.

Never let them know your true identity to prevent them from restricting your assets and mobility to continue Bleachkrieging by saddling you with their half-white offspring.

Marry and form a white family with white tradewaifu after bleaching mission accomplished by improving at least three dozen bloodlines.

Post pics of happily bleached mommies with their light skinned babies here.

Good luck, bros.

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I raep white womyn

Bleaching doesn’t work. That kid doesn’t look white.

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based pajeet

The time has come white men of Jow Forums for us to spread our genetic legacy far and wide across this planet. Recently the scourge of AIDS has been destroyed once and for all.

With this abominable disease disposed of white men can finally put our plans of genetic domination into fruition, the plan is to have battalions that are geographically assigned the first of which is the 1st Africa Corps which will be comprised of men who will go into Africa seeding as many African wombs as possible. These battalions will also be assigned in other locations such as South America, the ME and even beta's can get involved by joining the 1st Asia Corps and make some hapas over there. Our destiny as white males is to distribute white genetics far and wide to slowly make this planet white once more for BWC can not be contained within our own homelands, instead of sitting back and letting the brown hordes BLACK our own women we should be practicing genetic warfare on their qt's as well if we want to stand a chance at survival and eventual rulership of this earth.

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Of course it works. It's not making them white, it's improving them by making them whiter. This is a subject you better study, Germanbro, considering Herr Merkel's plans for you.

based acid attacker. bleach and glass them. let them know they're not welcome.

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Black pussy was made by God for white cock.

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>it's improving them by making them whiter
And why would we do that?

Asian pussy was made by God for white cock.

Don't be a lazy virgin incel loser shitting on the world instead of doing your part and improving it by whitening the darkies. It's time for you to shape up and start Bleachkrieging.

Only beta faggots like panfaced gookoid insectoida

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Estonia has maybe 50 niggers. Come live over here where we have hives of them shitting up our inner cities, driving down property values, and ruining community schools. You think black women are so beautiful, well....you are cherrypicking off google. Again, come over here and see real black women.

Arent intelligent mutt races like the jews reason enough to not bleach, you fucking retard? Why improve lesser races? They belong to the zoo or if your dick cant stand in the brothel.

Go away, kike! These slide threads have gotten old.

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>It's every Aryan man's duty to improve the lesser races by bleaching their genes
>I want Aryan men to destroy almost every last bit of their genetic ancestry for my personal Hebrew gain.
Get fucked race-traitor, I'm sticking to my homogenous community.

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They’re not getting whiter, we’re getting diluted.

Why not have multiple wives? 10 white and 15 black. The muzzies at least get that right

>beta nadzi larper Stormvirgin faggot detected

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The castizo and 1/8 can definitely pass as Spanish or Italian tho

Good idea OP. It's our divine purpose on earth to cleanse the browns of their burdened genes.

>The castizo and 1/8 can definitely pass as Spanish or Italian tho
the fact that the whitest ones on that chart can past for the darkest Spaniards/Italians just proves the point though.

>TFW when you named a new general
Feels good, but even better when watching more superior negress bodies

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Depends on what race is mixed. This kid is 1/4 somalian (fathers is half Somalian) and 3/4 Swede

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Still doesn’t look white desu

How does it? The fact that with 75% white DNA and they already look like Italians and Spanish, wouldn't that mean that it works? Native DNA is the easiest to bleach imo.

>tfw fighting the bleachkrieg on the east african front

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Because they only look like the darkest Spaniards and Italians.

That's because latins are mixed with Spanish and Italians. If they had more northern European DNA then they'd look even whiter. Like that Swedish mutt ^^^, if that's black and Swedish imagine native and 75% Swedish

That was a cherrypicked ‘white looking’ mutt who still doesn’t look white. Pic related Mexican and Scandinavian mix, and the mother was probably a castiza herself. Native genes only come off as “easier” to bleach because most Latinos already have European admixture.

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found a photo of the mom, who, as I suspected, seems to be at least 70% European herself.

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Where the white women at? I'd like to bleach my genes plz

You can’t “bleach” your genes, and they aren’t interested.

so did you ever get to fuck a sheboon, devil

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Did that actually air somewhere? kek

Yeah, he doesn't look full white but he still could be passable and has more definite white features. Wouldn't you rather have whiter faces around than just pure niggers? Bleaching is better than no bleaching at all imo

I went on negress hunting trip to France and Netherlands end of last year. Negresses are amazing in bed

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Because conquering the lesser races in this way is fucking hot.

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If you're not creating a white child for every mutt you make you're doing it wrong.

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nothing really comes close to the experience of a negress slipping your white meat inside of her and watching it reappear and disappear with each bounce into a warm chocolatey hole.

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That’s more dangerous because it attempts to blur lines between what’s really white and not.

Cumming inside jet black sheboons is the most mind-blowing orgasm you can have on this green earth

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looks black to me senpai

It's been a few years since I fucked a couple of Negresses from SA and would love nothing more than to go on a fucking bleaching spree because you haven't really fought in the Bleachkrieg until you've spawned at least one little half-nigglet.

you'll get your chance greenbean, don't you worry, they love whitey. I remember my first time unloading my seed into a dark skinned womb - the smile on her face like she had received a blessing from an angel and when I had slowly pulled out the contrast of my pale bright white jizzum leaking out onto her charcoal skin was truly a sight to behold. In that moment I knew I had done my part.

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Post African cuties before the 404 comes!

surprised tranny jannies haven't already deleted this thread.

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She's mixed white dad black mom


nah thx Shlomo, due to the laws you passed I'd be paying child gibs for 2 decades for every one of these shitlings

The key to bleaching properly is to target Latinas. They're already 30 - 70% white, so bleaching is much easier

this pretty much, Latinas are already heavily white.

the actual key is to kill their men so they cannot re-black re-rice or re-bean the mutts back into the genetic fold.

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Yes. I will produce many many cute mulatto

Wtf Hans,so lately i'm wayy too many krauts with nafris or black chicks in here..explain

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Or they could just go back.

Like-minded bleachpillers add me

Fake, women hate white men.

Who dat!?

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AJ love

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not true at all

And at least 10. Will they be accepted in the ethostate?

We make our own ethnostate

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can I bleach your daughters even further when they come of age?

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You know what you get with the bleaching meme? You get Brazil. You don't want to be Brazil, trust me.

based and redpilled

already down here on the mission

Goes to the highest bidder.

Brazil has the hottest women with amazing BUNDAs. The biggest issue is the fucking subhuman ameriindians

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amerindians also have a right on superior white god seed

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Will be most powerfull nation in the world

What’s wrong with Amerindians?

black genes produce superior women
ex. wh*te girls are flat and bland, mulattas have more curves and a generally more attractive


I have a race problem. My mother is black as in shes pure african with skin darker than most black people. My father is a white European. However contrary to genetics I happened to turn out pale and had curly blonde haired so everyone thinks in european and I thought so for most o my life until I learned that I and my sister are actually birthed from her. What race should I identify as? When I told my bf that I am half black he made fun of me and compared me to shaun king. What race should I identify as?

post script
I'd prefer not to pollute the european genepool with my albino(or something)nigger genes.

I don’t even doubt you have pale skin and blonde hair, but I doubt you actually look white. Also anyone who thinks Shaun King is actually white is an idiot.

>It's every Aryan man's duty to improve the lesser races by bleaching their genes.
Really, duty is to other races than your own?

That's the argument you're going with?

Not a liberal are you?

I know he is a quadroon but I am blacker than most american niggers but I look really really white ill post a pic

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>Not a liberal are you
>reddit spacing
election newfag detected

I don’t think you look white at all desu besides coloring which can even be a result of Albinism (though I don’t know enough to say that.) but your hair texture and features look very African.

will they let me call them nigger and they will call me massa and squirt?

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Good thread

hierarchy of women
black > mulatta > jewish > Latina > arab > Asian > wh*te

More like every other race of women > white women

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Sup /b/ ? Guess how tall i am

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eat a bag of dicks

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Fly nice cate

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you are underestimating the grandiose chaos that is the human condition, user.

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Just shouldn't have tried in the first place.

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did your mom not hug you enough

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