>white people food
White people food
And with one image OP’s thread was over.
Has there ever been a good Ukrainian post on Jow Forums?
I found OP's favourite condiment.
What does holodomor food look like ukie?
Looks delicious
Is OP from Zaporizhia?
No idea what that is, but it looks good.
traditional nigger food is other niggers
why is their skin grey?
black "people" food
Texans are the most powerful race in the entire world.
taste of that cheeseis fucking out of this planet. it's that good.
that's italian delicacy.
Italians also eat bird poop.
this webm always gets 20+ You's and i have no clue why.
what am i looking here exactly and why is it special?
nigger skin isn't like human skin, it gets dry and ashy and turns grey if it's not constantly moisturized
thats cuz they ashy, white boy
Is it ok to have boner after that video?
Now you're really bringing out the good stuff. Ate that last fall and let me tell you, you're missing out.
Is that one of the brilliant culturally enriching doctors you've been importing by the millions?
wtf... what/where is this?
mouth watering
What's the story behind that webm? That guy is dressed like an Andean indian.
Its a tibetan sky burial. They basically take the monk's bodies and allow the vultures to come and eat them. Its actually pretty cool.
Are you sure. Didn't really look that way.
Dey ashy niggas
Yeah I'm pretty sure. They cut them up like that..
Nigger. That’s right.
What now , cuckfag?