Give me reasons to not like thots plz

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they don't like you back

You only like their bodies, not the person attached to them.

Jow Forums doesn't like thots because they are all incels who have no chance of fucking a woman in this lifetime. carry on.

no shit, faggot.

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I get that but my problem is that ive been with thots but i still can't shake my attraction the them, it sucks


They don't care about you or your life. You could die tomorrow and they wouldn't bat an eye

Thots are modern day prostitutes that you don't have to pay upfront. They offer nothing to the betterment of a nation. Only destruction of the modern man and his morals.

Also, STDs are the highest they have ever been. Have fun.

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they are low rent prostitutes


Can't touch 2d

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STDs or sticking your dick where 3rd world animals have been before your turn.
Just don't fucking do it mayne!

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Image search any hottie from the 80s and look at that shit today. Most are used up whores who are ugly af now.
Looks fade. The reich is eternal.

That's true, I think i'm all fucked up from my thot ex, I've been really trying to get over her

>Willingness to Cheat
>Materialistic as fuck
>Failures at life
>Only achievement is winning genetic lottery
>Hate children
>Terrible mothers

You want a thot to be the mother to your children?

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If you put your dicks in them it can feel nice

mujahadeen ftw


:( This

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thx bro

Maybe that's because they came from the 80s and its the worst decade ever?

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Even if it were true, it would be superior to having to fuck and breed with Jewish women, heeb

The amount of throat cancer in men is going to be epidemic in a few decades

Imagine actually believing this. Just how many gallons of nigger cum and onions do you have to swallow to even write a sentence like that, leaf

A hot body is a hot body, 1980 or not.

thots are fun, just don't marry one

>t. oldfags
got a thing for spandex and granny panties, eh faggots?

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This is what they are sliding.

Just think of it this way. Banging one thot is like docking hundreds of other men all at once.

I can relate. The sex was probably the best/kinky sex you've ever had. The best way to get over her is the same way to feel better after your dog deis, get another one.


I'll do you one better, I'll give you the reasons not to like thots in musical form.

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>person attached to them.
Im confused user?
Also op there is nothing wrong with liking thots just keep your dick wrapped and dont marry one

Let's not compare man's best friend to a thot


My girlfriend is a thot but only for black guys. It's really fucking hot.

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based Mohammed

>Can't touch 2d
you also can't touch 3d

Too real too fast

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Oh, Winston, you goddamn chuckold.

Get a grip bro.

Based and redpilled.

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Dude once you take the cuckpill there's no going back. It's truly enlightenmening. Plus it's not like she's gonna have mixed babies. She just likes to suck nigger cock and lick nigger balls and ride nigger dick from time to time. It takes a real man to accept that. At least I'm not sitting in my mom's basement jerking off to cartoon porn like half of pol. We have a wonderful relationship and I get to fuck her twice a week.

> memeflag

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It’s not about “not liking”them

Slutty behavior is objectively bad for society and the overall happiness of people.

Following your base animal behavior just makes you a fucking mindless anmial and destroys everything Good and noble about humanity

NPC detected



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They are drug dealers, specialising in seratonin and dopamine hits. They produce massive megative externalities via moral decay. They are no different from crack dealers

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My ex knew this well, she'd give me tons of attention and with hold, then give me attention and so on

>missing: pic where she fucks his brains out for this

Thots do not see the value of sex they have done it to the point where it is mundane and that is disturbing and gross

they're a waste of time and energy, after you nut theyre worthless and then you have to stick around some vapid whore.

That’s why there used to be prostitution. You pay them to leave.

HSV (a semite/nigger disease)
The clap
unironic AIDS

The reason wont hit you until your late 30's when you've rode the carousal along with all those around, broke your pair bonding mechanism, and have a doomed family life ahead of you. Enjoy getting raped in divorce court. Men won't want thots and respectable women don't want gigolos either.

Imagine for a moment the world was different and you as a guy could just sit in front of a camera for an hour or two, take some clothes off, strike some poses, answer some questions from viewers.

You do this and people just give you money. It takes no work, it takes no skill. They give you money and they all tell you how great you are.

It would feel good at first and you'd be happy for the easy money but then what? Would you feel any gratitude towards these people as time went on? Would you do anything to improve yourself. What kind of person would this make you? You couldn't actually devote yourself to any one man either because then your entire income source would go away.

Then you're going to get older and people will lose interest. You've built up no useful skills, abilities, or personality. You have come to simply expect constant adulation and support and now it's gone- no one person will ever replace that even if you manage to get someone to settle down with you given your history and shit personality. You'll always know deep down you are worthless and you'll never be happy.


Well this thread is official faggot tier now that it's on bant.

We are all about instant gratification!

not sure if pasta, but I am saving it

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