Your women are our's!

Nigger's seem to think white men are cucks and bitches. Simple fact is you claim only the bottom half of our women. Yes some are hot but they are the absolute bottom of the barrel as far as wife or loyal gf is concerned. Club whores and white trash are all nigger men can claim. However white men, we claim you cream of the crop. We claim the one's who could bare you good children. We claim only the best. So go ahead keep taking out our trash. We will just keep taking the best and eventually we will breed out the black man.

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you see on edge. I think you need a hug

Wmbf breeding is extremely redpilled. The offspring is high IQ and socially conservative.

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guys don't pollute your genes with nigger genes

We made negresses in our image and we share a deep historical connection. The "male" negro will never share that with a negress and negress deems the "male" negro seed so unworthy 87% of pure black babies get aborted. Meanwhile black girls will even carry white mans baby out of wedlock and will show it off on social media with PRIDE.

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Stfu kike

>So go ahead keep taking out our trash
And we all know that our trash is only going through a phase to piss off their dads. Once the BBC myth is disproved and they get tired of your immaturity, they will invariably come back to us. So what's left for you lonely black man?

If you think the coalburning white women get it bad from black "men" you are oblivious what the male negro does to black women - not only they geat beat savagely but they are also always left alone with nigger spawn to fend for themselves while baby daddy Jamal assfucks rising hiphop star Tyrone in prison.

Black women used to have it great pre-abolition - regular deep dickings from white massa, if Jamal dared to raise hand against WHITE MANS PROPERTY he would be whipped and castrated. White man never mistreats his prized submissive PROPERTY. Massa would even grace negress with a beautiful mixed baby so she could also be a wetnurse to white mans legitimate child with his wife.

The kikes ruined our symbiotic relationship with black women and the black wombs are crying for the protective shadow of the big white cock again.

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These threads again? The 3-month break was enjoyable, but I guess they're back now.

This, or else you will become like the portuguese

It's a genetic upgrade actually. White seed grow's best and healthiest in a black womb

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BLACK women have a deep biological need for white seed. They want the best for their childrens future and we would be cruel to deny them.

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You sir are based. Why would a Negress go for a black animal when she can have a white gentleman?

This. The wmbf offspring is very high iq and beautiful.

not a big 'achievement'

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Based. Come home, our queens

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Its love.

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why do they do this?

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More race mixing spam from Tenda Spencer (EurasianTiger).

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Nah, Tendacuck spams his nigger dick fantasies.

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lay off white boi

yet he still wears swastika tshirt

zoomers baka

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Time to rrrrr-reinsitue an old custom...

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Once she git a whoite mang, they be no upgrade

>Nah, Tendacuck spams his nigger dick fantasies.
He spams WMBF shit too.
He also has (or claims to have) a BW fetish.
It's a two-pronged psychological assault on white fertility.

Black gfs are not incompatibe with national socialism. As a matter of fact they are usually very redpilled on the JQ as well.

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I know there's an Estonian flag under there, Rasmus

aww shieet

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Mentally ill nigger loving Amerimutt freaks

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Pretty sure that photo was taken in London lol

Jfc, she looks manlier than him. Keep em

I guess niggers should have expected something like this when they spent thousands of years cutting off parts of their womens vaginas with sharp stones to make them loyal. Hasn't exactly left an endearing impression on their womenfolk.

based estonian swirler

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