Has Jow Forums ever taken DMT? Can we create some sort of collective consciousness DMT meeting?

Has Jow Forums ever taken DMT? Can we create some sort of collective consciousness DMT meeting?

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It made me think my heart stopped and I was going to die. I'll stick to LSD, thanks.

How does one acquire DMT? I'm very interested in it but have never used drugs and would have no idea how to find a reliable DMT dealer

I don't feel like going to some 3rd world shithole to do ayunasca either

did you buy it or make it yourself?

SWIM said you can grow it yourself and learn to do an A/B extraction.

Stop posting DMT threads on Jow Forums, they belong on /x/
DMT is merely a visual representation of your consciousness, which is why blind people can "See" during it.
It can be useful for decalcifcation of the brain, removing fear of death/ptsd, etc but once you get the message, hang up the phone.
I binged on DMT for years before I finally realized I wasn't taking the lessons it was teaching me (Faith in Christ, nofap / semen retention = fulfillment, Zionists run the world, Capitalism is cancer, wageslavery is a waste of life)
Since then, I've absorbed the experience and moved on. Your body develops massive amounts of natural DMT if you practice nofap and transcendental meditation and can give yourself DMT breakthroughs whenever you want if you practice semen retention/nofap for over a year or so.

Attached: DMT.png (640x480, 42K)

Ohhhhhh yeah. Shit was beyond intense, haven’t done it in a year and am in no rush to do it again soon. But someday I’ll trip again.

It's easy to extract DMT yourself. Even a brainlet like me when it comes to chemistry manages to extract product that is very clean by following a few simple steps. If you can cook mac and cheese you can extract DMT.

Going the ayahuasca route is even easier but I wouldn't recommend it for first time users.

Pharmahuasca is the best way to do DMT. Smoking it is too intense and doesn't last long enough to get your bearings straight in the mindspcae. Ayahuasca is impossible to control for DMT dose and causes nausea due to the breakdown of the rough plant matter. Pharmahuasca is ayahuasca with more controllable sources of DMT and MAOIs.
Don't go into a DMT trip without something important to understand. I also always make sure I am in a ritual setting and I invoke the name of Christ any time any entity seeks me out to ensure I have the right frame of mind when speaking to the machine elves. Be very careful going in blind, the entities in the DMT space will tell you strange things that can leave you broken inside if you aren't ready to integrate what wisdom they offer.

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I don't even know where to get drugs from even if I wanted to