Ive just woken up and now im eating french toast while listening to Mercyful Fate. Thanks for reading my blog

Ive just woken up and now im eating french toast while listening to Mercyful Fate. Thanks for reading my blog.

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Other urls found in this thread:


good morning

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I was born on the cemeteryyyy
Under the sign of the mooooon
Raised from my graaave by the deaaaad
I was made a mercenary
In the legions of hell

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I was listening to that song just a few moments ago, i dont like that album as much as the others

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kill yourself

what's your favorite album by MF/KD

no need to fight, SweDeath is good too

Dont break the oath is the only one who has remained stuck in my head so Lets go with that

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yeah it's my favorite too
although I like KD's first and second too

mf/kd is better

Depends on your taste I guess
I like HM-2 sound but I won't say Enotmbed/Dismemeber are my favorites. I prefer Desultoty
I like D-beat though

Entombed and Dismember sound exactly the same

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because HM-2

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death metal is a shit genre, it always was
i will leave now because i dont want to give this faggots thread any attention

fuck you and fuck your opinion.
I bet you cry yourself to sleep to Lost Horizon.
be cool for once in your life

>Entombed and Dismember
Are these song names? They sound super edgy.

These are Swedish Death Metal bands. Quite good ones too.
Edgy was the prime role model for youth in 90s/2000s. Everything was edgy and if you weren't you were a sissy nerd.
Now the pendulum has swung, everyone is a sissy nerd so edgy is out of fashion. But it lives on in Monster drinks and Razer keyboards.

have i upset you or something?

yes, you came into a nice thread and acted like an ass

only because i hate suebi

hating people is not ok, ok

How old is Jow Forums?

it's been added on 05/04/17

Im more into Red Bull nowadays tho

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There's no need for present perfect continuous tense here, my squatting friend. You can simply use "It was added..."

reg. Monster tastes like candy and it's awful
but I drink Khaos daily now
Red Bull is OK but I don't know why it's more expensive

Red Bull is cheaper than monster here. 1,40 Red Bull 1,70 monster

huh. what do you know. 0,5l Monster costs about 1,33 here, and now it's on sale near me for 1. but 0,473l Red Bull is 2,20 and never goes on sale.

but what if I wanted to stress that the result remains to this day?

I stopped drinking Monster when i started working out. Too much sugar for my body. I used to drink one almost everyday

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Good Morning @ Suebi.

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scored 3 tins of tobacco, 2 pipes and an extra pipe tamper off a friend who knew a guy who quit

also did some study work with my study group

and now im having a beer relaxing

smoking kills

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Teak ID!!!!? You got my favorite wood as an ID??!!!!
It smells like hashish and is extremely weatherproof. A+ Get dude!

delicious death
i really enjoy Birch. good bark for arts and crafts or campfires, good wood for carving or the fireplace. even the sap is delicious

Birch is nice too, I worked with it plenty before!

also the girl i met at the bar last Saturday has been pretty fun talking to

good for you, happy to hear that.

thanks! yea its the first time as an adult that someone has showed obvious atraction to me, aggressive even, and im pretty proud of myself for following through and texting her again instead of just being an introvert

He won't respond to Finns anymore :DDD

You could say "It's been here since 05/04/17." It isn't being continually added.

The same crap is continually piled up here.


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Is that supposed to be a definitive argument? Come on Känädä.

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