When will cars get uncucked again?

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When air resistance stops being a thing, and when you stop being a retard.

question is when does the tech get cheap enough to turn my trans am into a silent electric street machine

> he is triggered by the chad box car

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The Corvette in my picture is a treasure and a work of art. But I'm not foolish enough to think that a 2019 is not better in every conceivable way.

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>physics bad aesthetics good
lol. this is some nigger-tier shit

Here is a modern Corvette Stingray for reference

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self driving cars are running down niggers, seems pretty uncucked to me desu

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So true, Bong.

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Its ok, ill take 1.5 less MPG in order to not drive a four wheeled dildo

This has been the thought process of whites ever since ancient greece, your efficiency is the reason people keep importing 3rd world niggers into white countries

dunno man. I just think there's something untouchable about the Bertone group's wedge designs that still hasn't been beaten by modern designs. shit is sleek

You're a dumbass.

>Better in every conceivable way
Except appearance. The 69 Stingray is just beautiful and timeless. The modern Stingray looks good by today's standards, but will probably look like garbage in 5-6 years because it followed too many modern fads.

Just look at Mustangs from decades past. Anything from like 85 forward just looks like shit.

BMW, VW, Audi, is all trash anyway. Pic related is the true patrician car along with Volvo 240, the modern mercs fucking suck hard though

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No doubt. But the improvements to performamce, handling, and comfort, not to mention reliability. Modern Corvettes are probably the most reliable super cars in the world. You can daily a Verte for 250k miles no problems.

the Eesti was agreeing with you, dumpass

Asking the real /o/ level questions. Electric performance is better than gasoline performance. Anyone who wants to keep internal combustion engines around because of muh noise, muh manual transmission must enjoy losing races.

The Corvette is probably the most reliable passenger car GM produces because it isn't built by niggers and spics. It is built by the best mechanics and engineers GM employees.

But the quality of the current vette has nothing to do with the styling. We could easily go back to more angleish cars without compromising perfo (or stupid safety)

I wouldn't mind one of these desu, Teslas are pretty sleek for a rolling battery bank

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Here in the US and in Canada as well, if we want a brute box we buy a pickup.

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Pop choices (along with older BMWs) of low IQ psychopaths and wannabes.

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Is that Duzy?

See there is this implictly agreed upon point in all these threads that "modern cars are better and you dont want that old boxy shit due to its older tech and its lack of safety".

I get it, and I agree. But literally nothing says you cant build a boxy car design with the same tech, and the same crash safety as a modern cuckmobile

>not wanting a solid reliable car that runs on homemade biodiesel
enjoy paying the oil jew

When we repeal emission standards. Cringe

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A front engined, batter powered, low-performance Porsche

Yeah I see those old diesel Benz french fry oil burners here sometimes. They smell like Freedom.

>homemade biodiesel
Jesus. I feel sorry for the guy who will eventually have to try to clean the engine out.

when they come up with cheap light powerful batteries or super conductors il be glad to turn some hotrods into silent killing machines that will be the true uncucking imagine electric trans Am's and cutlass supremes taking off like a rocket and all you hear is squealing tires

Will this be worth it come April?

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pic related is the ultimate SHTF fuel system

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My father drives a model-S, it has been back to their service facility a state away 6 times. They dont seem to understand quality yet.

Tesla looks like a cheap plastic toy for a 5 year old.

Will it still be a Chrysler shitbox?

Tesla model 3 is cool asf
>cars are shitty 2day cuz the avarage american is more poor than 40-50years ago now check the data fags but 80% have less money inflation adjusted now so we buy cars with fuel economy and shitty slow engines

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Ahh yes, the FEMA synthgas reactor. Most Americans have no idea FEMA released a paper instructing us how to make Woodgas generators from trash.

Arabs know what's up

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they're so simple and easy to make even the norks still use them after all the sanctions restricted fuel imports

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Batteries are still too bulky. You're right about manuals though. The only reason to get one is for fun.

This kills the thread

fuck niggers
and fuck jannies

tfw you will never drive up to Betty to take her to diner, get a large milkshake, put on rockabilly, and swing to it with her

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Manual is still more fuel efficient, gives you more control and cheaper to maintain. Nice cope cause you can't figure it out like the rest of your retarded nation though.

Is it cheaper to maintain though, my first car was an auto and i abused the fuck out of it, ran fine until i totaled it, been driving a manual for the last 6 years, the clutch rebuild was 2 grand coz i cant wrench.

Manual more fun, even in heavy traffic.