Yeah that's going to kill the economy without a doubt. I mean just look at what happened to Germany after World War 1.
Do you not know history or how basic economy works?
Grow balls and take it to Jow Forums faggot.
excuse what the fuck?I didn't know that Germany adopted UBI after WW1
r/yanggang is r/thedonald all over again
if the jew hates it then I love it
>Implying he's not based this one time.
This thread is shit-tier imptrash that was made here. Keep that in mind.
happy day is cringe
who is yang
that is true, leftypol is a nefarious little creature
(not only unbased, but also un-not cringe)
NPC calling anything cringe.
i'd wager to say that you got this meme from your epic cirno discord
speaking of which, go back there
based Israel is truly our greatest ally
low iq pozst
>Pozzed NPC responding to me.
ay you wot matw
tfw no bant-chan gf
Shit. Tier. Imp. Trash.
happy day is the imptrash aggregator
You're there.. huh..
>failed the 9999 and 0000 get
truly cringe
hammyboy, you've crossed a rudeposting line my friend
i like happy day
what battle.net games do you play
I don't think i ever actually read a happy day thread, what actually goes on in those, is it just cliquey avatar fag circlejerking?
People being nice to each other for once in the whole god-damned board.
idk i don't go there either they just seem nice
It's just a bunch of boring people talking about fuckall
people have civil conversations and share music, videos, good reads, games they have been enjoying recently
F*t*r*s*ght fears the ashley and akari alliance
I gave away my battle.net account to one of my friends because he is very poor he needed it more than me. He got 400+ dollars of hearthstone cards.
I'm not a big fan of it but whatever floats your boat
Fuck off back to Jow Forums
Holy fuckin based
>Implying I'm not trying to force out this imptrash faggot too.
oh ok that was nice of you to do
I don't. Your just another brick In the wall I'm already on the other side of. Who do you think was the Jow Forums frog that led the defense against the Kpop, Yoona spam?
>Who do you think was the Jow Forums frog that led the defense against the Kpop, Yoona spam?
holy mother of cringe
Shameful display.
You deserve the rope.
>Implying you're better that frogs
You too.
Your image stops me how?
nothing can stop the speeding meteorite of cringe known as futuresight fag
Holy fuckin dyslexia, you read like a nigger
Tbqh, if you were in support of that invasion, you were in the minority of opinion. There was a war council and everything. At least some of us try.
He's too accurate.
Ignore it and deploy insult.
What are you even talking about anymore. How can a 31 year old man be this retarded
Obviously what I was talking about, that which everyone said was cringe for their own reasons, underage brainlet.
Jow Forumsddit meme
It is cringe stop harping over it you only make it cringier
Back to your containment rice chinko
Everything you make or touch is cringe underage. Go on though, you're making my point for me.
Literally no u
Best you got? Proofs? How old are you and when haven't you tried pushing your cringe loli waifu recently?
no u
the gayest squad in existence
>calls people NPCs while spouting the same memes over and over again
Same people over and over again and they've yet to come up with anything clever. Disapointed in them tbqh.