Why does sweden do this?

Why does sweden do this?

Attached: 1514242878669.jpg (1024x846, 128K)

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Why does Sweden do THIS???

Attached: 1552326225403.webm (480x852, 1.15M)

Why does sweden do this?

Attached: 1525904709489.png (500x596, 145K)

Why did Sweden do this?

Attached: Battle_of_Lützen_mass_grave.jpg (505x379, 49K)

Why does Sweden do this?

Attached: strm.jpg (600x600, 80K)

Why does Sweden do this?

Attached: 59a675cafc7e93715d8b4567.jpg (900x500, 161K)

Imagine the smell. No really, how bad is this stuff?

Why does Sweden do this?

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>In 1981, a German landlord evicted a tenant without notice after the tenant spread surströmming brine in the apartment building's stairwell. When the landlord was taken to court, the court ruled that the termination was justified when the landlord's party demonstrated their case by opening a can inside the courtroom. The court concluded that it "had convinced itself that the disgusting smell of the fish brine far exceeded the degree that fellow-tenants in the building could be expected to tolerate".

Attached: UnconsciousInfatuatedAnura.webm (640x368, 160K)

Why does Sweden do this?

Attached: wife-carrying-world-championships-tt-timo-hartikainen.jpg (500x295, 43K)


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Why does Sweden is saying it was like this?

Attached: Vikingmuslims.jpg (500x250, 30K)

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Why does Sweden do this?

Attached: amun-abdullahi-on-sweden-a-place-of-lies.png (715x362, 292K)

Why does Sweden do this metaphorically?
Also why did Sweden do this for real?

Attached: sinking-of-the-vasa-andrew-howat.jpg (967x500, 132K)

also cia

also swedish men were known to be fags and pussies even in 90s
even i knew that when i was on 1st grade

Why does Sweden do this?

Attached: vicepic.png (1200x660, 1.01M)

Why does Finland is letting you post?
Also why does Sweden do this?

Attached: You.jpg (870x489, 71K)

>finnish men
are more gay nowdays

Why does Sweden do this?

Attached: 3246465756.jpg (690x388, 98K)

Why does Sweden do this?

Attached: Sweden+please+stop+trying+to+look+advanced+and+tolerating+and+_22b54140c4b83d1f44ae92c72e654c02.png (546x321, 211K)

Why does Sweden do this?

Attached: Ban+cars+to+stop+terror+httpwwwbreitbartcomlondon20170411bancarsnewspaperstockholmattackfortunately+ (529x723, 140K)

Why does Sweden do this?

Attached: Dn-C-upWkAA0jBm.jpg (719x600, 99K)

Why doesn't Sweden do this?

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It's called Sauna in Krautland too, why does Sweden do this?

Attached: sauna.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Even HE asks: "Why does Sweden do this?"!

Attached: pews.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

Why does Sweden do this?

Attached: battlefield-5-update-110.png (737x415, 559K)

Why is Sweden doing this?

Attached: We+are+number+one+horus+heresy+horus+are+you+a_1bd72e_6135981.jpg (900x420, 197K)

Why is Sweden doing this?

Attached: who drinks milk at festivals anyway.jpg (1200x800, 239K)

Wtf? Why is Sweden doing this?

Attached: sweden_tv.png (806x538, 307K)

Why does Sweden do this?

Attached: spiknykter-2.jpg (620x348, 177K)

because it's an indigenous word for the concept they have known for millenia.

OK now we know why Sweden is doing this!

Why Sweden!!!

Attached: 19nn.jpg (584x960, 52K)

Why does UN is not sanctioning in Sweden?

Attached: 1514082390004.jpg (1920x1080, 469K)