I hate these fat pieces of shit

I hate these fat pieces of shit

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Disgusting ape food

Fuck off Space Niggers

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Fuck off zogdrone

are yuo chinese?


what will happen if the government sees this ?

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I love these fat pieces of freedom

Fuck the government

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ni mei you shenme ?

Don’t care


Daily reminder that only members of the chinese communist party can get on Jow Forums

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Does best Korea great leader come here too?

yes yes indeed i agree those fat pieceas of shit fucking blobs of fat is what they are let's vasectomy them and dump all the fat on they sewers and make them flood with american fat

He's probably the only person in country who has access to the world wide web. He uses Steam, if he knows about this place he might lurk, you never know

Shut up you soulless hivemind bugmen

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>coming from a fucking saud

Actually, many of the North Korean elite have access to the www. There are secret gaming societies for the super rich. Shit's wack